Annual Neukom Opportunities Letter from Dan Rockmore

Dear Chairs,

I hope this note finds you well, managing all that is on your overfull plates.

I am writing with my annual fall letter, asking that you share with your department the various Neukom Institute & Wright Center funding opportunities for your faculty and students.

With warmest regards and best wishes for good health,

Dan Rockmore
Director, Neukom Institute for Computational Science
Interim Director, Wright Center for the Study of Computation and Just Communities
William H. Neukom Professor of Computational Science

Neukom Institute & Wright Center Funding Opportunities:  

(1) Faculty Grant Programs: We look forward to proposals for our "CompX" and “JustX” funding programs. These programs provide seed funding (up to 40k) for innovative work with a computational component. The deadline is February 15, 2023, details of the application process can be found here for CompX:  and here for JustX: On the side of these pages, you can find a link to previously funded projects by year. As you will see they range across the Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Geisel School of Medicine, and the Tuck School.

(2) Neukom Scholars: The Neukom Scholars program provides $1200.00 per term support in for undergraduates working on computational aspects of faculty advised projects. Our deadlines and application process is here: . Also, with a side linked page to past supported research.

(3) Travel Grants: The Neukom Travel grant program supports both undergraduate and graduate student research. These grants, awarded on a first come-first-served basis, are available to students who will be presenting their research at conferences, workshops, or symposia, in line with the Dartmouth travel guidelines. Two grants of $1,000 each will be awarded each month. Eligible students must be engaged in faculty-advised research focused on the development of novel computational techniques and/or the application of computational methods:

(4) Workshops/Working Groups/Conferences: The Neukom Institute and the Wright Center have been able to support (either wholly or in partnership with other entities around campus) various collective activities focused on computational themes. We continue to welcome inquiries and proposals for these kinds of events. The larger, more formal workshop guidelines can be found here:

The Working Group opportunity is an effective way to bring in small groups of collaborators working toward a goal such as a group initiative like a proposal or book. More details to apply here:

(5) The  Neukom  Fellows Program: The Neukom Fellows Program brings to campus early-career interdisciplinary postdoctoral researchers whose work has a computational theme. These are two-year positions with the possibility of a renewal for a third year (a so-called “2+1” appointment). Neukom Fellows need to have two mentors on campus from different departments and need a departmental home. The conditions of appointment include teaching one class in each year of residence. Please share this opportunity with your research networks. Profiles of our current group of fellows can be found here:   More details on the fellowship and application process can be found

Applications to this CFP are already coming in – the deadline is November 15, 2022 – but we also encourage you to get the word out to your networks and even to solicit individual applications from young scholars already familiar to you.  To that end, we have a favor to ask: Neukom Fellows can be part of any department on campus. We would very much appreciate it if your department could provide a link to the Neukom Fellows opportunity on your departmental homepage. Perhaps the following text would be a useful accompaniment: "The Neukom Fellows program is an interdisciplinary postdoctoral program at Dartmouth that may provide another means of working with or being mentored by faculty in our department. Please see the position announcement at  “

(6) The annual Donoho Colloquium: Finally, on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 5pm in the Oopik Auditorium, Class of 1978 Life Sciences Center, our Donoho Colloquial will be hosting “Discovering the Past Through Deep Ocean Exploration” presented by James P. Delgado, Ph.D., RPA SEARCH Inc. Senior Vice President. Jim is a maritime archaeologist, journalist, author, and documentary television host who has spent forty-four years in work around the world on some of history's most important shipwrecks. His biography and abstract can be found here:

If you have read this far, thanks for that and thanks for forwarding the opportunities listed above to your faculty. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or new ways to broaden our reach.