Northern New England Provider Insights Participatory Engagement (NNE PIPE) Survey

The NNE CO-OP PCBRN is poised to launch our inaugural Northern New England Provider Insights and Participatory Engagement (NNE PIPE) Survey. The purpose of the NNE PIPE Survey is to gain a deeper understanding of existing practices, assess the effects of clinical interventions, policy, or guideline developments, and identify areas that require additional quality improvement and innovative research.

Like the national CAFM Educational Research Alliance (CERA) and West Virginia Practice Based Research CORE surveys, the NNE PIPE Survey will be a compilation of questions from NNE CO-OP PCBRN and NNE Clinical Translational Research Network (NNE-CTR) members relating to healthcare issues that are relevant to our rural communities. The NNE CO-OP PCBRN is interested in all aspects of quality improvement and hypothesis-driven research

The primary goals of the NNE PIPE Survey are to:

  • Encourage research participation between clinical and academic research members
  • Ensure representation of rural NNE PCCs in survey research that has been carefully chosen by NNE CO-OP PCBRN leadership and clinical members
  • Learn from PCCs about their perceived primary care health care challenges and research topics pertinent to serving rural communities in NNE.
  • Reduce circulation of multiple surveys to our members
  • Remove clinical and academic researcher burden on obtaining Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval to conduct non-human subject survey research

The NNE CO-OP PCBRN will roll out the inaugural NNE PIPE Survey to PCCs across
NNE in October, 2024. Respondents will be incentivized via cash drawing and disclosure of the required information and chances of winning for the drawing will be provided with the final survey when it is announced.

Eligibility Criteria

You must be a member of the NNE CO-OP PCBRN to submit a proposal. You can sign up for this free and voluntary membership at the time of proposal submission or by clicking here. Clinicians’ and/or investigators’ proposals may include up to 10 questions per application. The questions should not include basic demographic information as that will be covered in the survey introduction section. Up to three applicant proposals will be selected for inclusion in the NNE PIPE Survey.

Application Process

Proposals for the inaugural 2024 NNE PIPE Survey are due Friday, August 9, 2024 at 5:00 PM EST. Applications must be submitted via email, as a single, three-page PDF, before the deadline date to NNECO-OPPCBRN@hitchcock.org.

Applications must include all the following criteria:

  1. Project Title
  2. Contact Principal Investigator (PI) and Team information (name, address, phone, email)
  3. Health care topic that is addressed by the survey questions
  4. Description of how the information is relevant and useful to the PCCs in NNE
  5. List which Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)1 Priority Populations and/or NNE Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) data-driven priority areas* are addressed by the survey questions
  6. List of up to 10 proposed non-demographical questions with response options and (if applicable) logic branching instructions

Priority will be given to those proposals that:

  1. Benefit rural primary care practices and communities
  2. Focus on AHRQ Priority Populations and/or NNE CHNA data-driven priority areas
  3. Are likely to result in pilot data for a grant application
  4. Are likely to contribute towards a peer-reviewed publication
  5. Have a high quality of submission, including the listed questions and response options

* See the following hyperlinks for more information on NNE CHNA data driven priorities for Maine2, New Hampshire3,4, Vermont5

Proposal Selection Process

The NNE CO-OP PCBRN will select up to three proposals that are most relevant and of interest to our network members. The selected applicants will be linked with a NNE CO-OP PCBRN Advisor, who will become an integral part of the survey research team. Advisors will assist with the refinement, of the proposed questions, link researchers to NNE CO-OP PCBRN and NNE-CTR services, facilitate with the statistical analysis and interpretation, and aid in the preparation and submission of presentations and manuscripts. Advisors are expected to be acknowledged as co-authors on presentations and papers that directly result from the NNE PIPE Survey. The NNE CO-OP PCBRN should be listed in the acknowledgments section on peer reviewed manuscripts that utilize data from the NNE PIPE Survey.The NNE PIPE Survey was determined to be not human research by the Dartmouth-Hitchcock IRB (STUDY02002350).

The selected applicants will have exclusive access to their portion of the deidentified survey results (along with access to the core respondent demographics as needed) within 30 days after conclusion of the survey. The NNE CO-OP PCBRN staff will be responsible for collecting, monitoring, and storing the dataset. Aggregated survey results will be made publicly available 120 days after survey completion in order to disseminate findings back to the respondents.

Selected applicants for the inaugural NNE PIPE Survey will be automatically invited to present their findings via a poster presentation at the NNE CO-OP PCBRN 45th Annual Meeting at the Attitash Resort in Bartlett, NH in January 2025. One presenter from each of the three selected applicants will have their annual meeting registration fee waived to attend and present their findings.

NNE PIPE Survey Questions:
If you are considering submitting a proposal and have questions, please email your questions to NNECO-OPPCBRN@hitchcock.org.