Center for Molecular Epidemiology
Learn More
Watch how the Center for Molecular Epidemiology is transforming lives using high-impact studies.
Mission and Vision
To transform molecular epidemiologic research capacity for high-impact research to unravel the drivers of human health and disease throughout the life course.
Become known as pioneers of etiologic discovery and disease prevention and innovators of precision prevention while guiding meaningful public health practices and policies.
Upcoming Events & Announcements
Epidemiology Seminar Series
Join us for our new Epi Seminar Series on the last Wednesday of each month from 12-1pm in Aud H, followed by lunch reception in the Chilcott Atrium.
January 29, 2025
Wahab Khan “Biomarker discovery in lymphoma and leukemia using high-resolution optical genome mapping of chromosomal structural variants and aneusomy”
Dartmouth In-Person COBRE Symposium
Fall 2025 – Date to be Announced Soon!
For questions about our upcoming events, please reach out to
Overview of the Center
The Center for Molecular Epidemiology at Dartmouth is a Center for Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) funded by the National Institutes of General Medical Sciences.
Administrative, Career Development and Research Integration Core
The center’s admin core provides an effective and efficient administrative structure, infrastructure for career development and research integration.
Biorepository and Biospecimen Resource Facility
The center’s biorepository serves as a resource to process, track, store, retrieve, and prepare biological samples from large-scale human studies.
Pilot Project Program
The center’s pilot program funds preliminary research in molecular epidemiology for scientists at Dartmouth and IDeA institutions.