The Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth makes free tutoring available for students as necessary. Usually, tutors are second-year Geisel School students, but they may be third or fourth-year MD students, MD-PhD students, graduate students from the various sciences, or in some cases recent graduates of Geisel programs.
Requesting an Individual Tutor - MD Students
- Peer Tutor Request Form: MD students who believe they need the assistance of a tutor should submit a request. If you have questions about the peer-tutoring program, please email
- A student approved for tutoring support (the tutee) is subsequently matched with one of the pre-approved tutors, and notified by email. The tutor is also notified of the match.
- The tutee contacts the tutor to set up a meeting time.
- Most sessions take place weekly, although there may be some weeks in which the tutee or tutor is unavailable.
- Students may be tutored in more than one course in a week. Sometimes the same tutor can help with two courses; sometimes another tutor is assigned.
- Tutoring may continue for most of a term, or last only a few weeks, depending on the need.
- Students who use tutors are asked to evaluate their experiences at the end of every term.
Becoming an Individual Tutor - MD Students
- Peer Tutor Application Form: MD students who wish to tutor should complete the application by the end of the first week of classes if possible. (Occasionally additional tutors are recruited later in the year.) If you have questions about the peer-tutoring program, please email
- Early in the fall term, a training and information session is provided for potential tutors. This session is mandatory for everyone who wants to tutor as student. Payroll issues, tutoring guidelines, recommendations, and other logistics are discussed. We also finalize each person's list of preferred content areas.
- Additional tutors may sign up at the beginning the fall term, but preferably before the training session.
- After preferences are finalized, names are submitted to the Assistant Dean of Year 1 Curriculum for approval.
- Tutors are paid $20.00 per hour, with a small allowance for prep time.
- Typically tutors do not work more than 2 hours per week, plus prep time.
MPH & MS Students
Unlike the MD program, MPH & MS courses are often supported by Teaching Assistants who are embedded in the courses themselves as part of the Teaching Team which also includes the Course Directors. Because of this, we strongly recommend that any students experiencing difficulty with the material start with the Teaching Team, whether that be Office Hours or Review Sessions. If the Teaching Team believes additional support is needed, the Geisel Office of Academic Advising can make efforts to find individualized tutoring support.
Tutors and tutees are expected to behave respectfully toward one another at all times. This includes showing up on time and well prepared for each session.
Students who are finding a particular course challenging are always encouraged to talk with the faculty of that department individually. The Geisel School of Medicine prides itself on approachable faculty members.
M1 Group Tutoring Review Sessions
Session Day/Time |
Time & Location |
Mondays 4pm-5pm |
Kellogg 200 & Zoom |
M2 Step Review Sessions
Session Day/Time |
Time & Location |
Sundays 2:30pm-3:30pm |
Kellogg 200 & Zoom |