The Critical Resources below provide vital information to help you plan, prepare for, and participate in your outbound clinical/research experience abroad or travel to Dartmouth as an inbound visiting student.
Student Application Resources
- Global Health Opportunities Informational Video
- Global Health Electives
- Co-designed, Community-based Internships (CCI)
- Dickey Center Global Health Internships
Faculty and Staff Resources (under construction)
Outbound Dartmouth Students
CGHE Pre-departure Requirements Checklist
- Center for Global Health Equity: Pre-Departure Requirements Online (ViaTRM): Online platform to complete the CGHE predeparture requirements.
- Dartmouth Student Health Insurance: Dartmouth Student Group Health Plan (DSGHP).
- Dartmouth Traveler’s Checklist: General travel checklist for Dartmouth College.
- Dartmouth Travel Clinic Services and Health Information: Obtain pre-travel consultations and travel immunizations, complete of study abroad and other travel related forms, plus seek post-travel evaluation for symptoms or concerns. (On Campus - Dick’s House)
- Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center - International Travel Clinic: Obtain pre- and post-travel consultations and vaccinations, plus travel safety information. (Off Campus - DHMC)
- Global Dartmouth: Travel-related resources for Dartmouth students, faculty, and staff, including the Travel Registry and Travel Exception list.
- iSOS (International SOS – Dartmouth Emergency Assistance Services): Dartmouth's primary emergency assistance provider, along with Starr Insurance, for all students, staff, faculty, college officials, volunteers, board members, Dartmouth approved guests and their dependents.
- Travel Exceptions: Travel to some locations can pose additional risk and, therefore, requires approval for a travel exception.
- Travel Registry: Registration in the Travel Registry is required for all Dartmouth Travelers traveling to international locations.
- Visa Services: Visa assistance for Dartmouth travelers via Travisa Passport and Visa Service.