Videos & Stories

Effective Leadership Styles for Global Health:

Walking the talk on health inequities

The Rwanda Human Resources for Health partnership 


Read more about the people and programs focused on health equity:

Dr. Lisa Adams MED’90: Building Geisel’s Global Connections
The rise of the global health field coincided with Dr. Adam’s professional journey and, ultimately, the creation of the Center for Health Equity.

Dr. Isaac Maro, MD, MPH (’09)
A Tanzanian doctor reflects on the DarDar program and building health-care capacity in Tanzania.

A Common Passion for Improving Lives Drives Alliance between Geisel and American Indian Communities
Geisel’s impact within American Indian and Alaskan Native populations, rural and urban, is strong and expanding.

Good Neighbors
The Good Neighbor Health Clinic, White River Junction, Vermont, is voluntarily staffed by Geisel physicians and students.

From Rwanda to Hanover
Dr. Jean-Luc Nkurikiyimfura partners with Dr. Lisa Adams as part of Rwanda’s Human Resources for Health program.

Students Working in Health Equity:

Kristen Jogerst MED’16
A Global Health Scholar and Peer Advisor reflects on her work in Haiti.

Peace Eneh MED’17
In 2014, Peace Eneh, a Global Health Scholar, surveyed the knowledge of cancer among physicians and medical students in Nigeria, her homeland.

Tara Kedia D’12, MED’17
A Global Health Scholar reflects on her mentored TB research in Haiti.

Michaela Staley MED’17
An experience in the Arizona desert led Michaela Staley to medical school and to become a Global Health Scholar.

Joseph Graterol MED’15
Born in Venezuela, Graterol is using his language skills and cultural knowledge to help the underserved.