Honor J. Passow, PhD

Honor Passow

Honor Passow, PhD, teaches research methods, including biostatistics, epidemiology, survey research methods, and technical writing in Geisel's master's programs. About half of her research has been at The Dartmouth Institute. Her research experience has spanned a wide array of methods, including interviews (regarding patient decision making), surveys (regarding student cheating and professional competencies among engineers), Medicare administrative data (regarding prostate cancer screening), linked data between Medicare and the Nurses’ Health Study survey (regarding cognitive decline in the elderly), document review (regarding the influence of medical journals’ press releases on the quality of newspaper coverage), experiments (regarding the flow of slurries under vibration), narrative literature synthesis (regarding screening mammography), and systematic literature review (regarding on-the-job competence among engineers and “exnovation”, that is, how physicians reject or abandon an innovation after adopting it). She is a peer reviewer for journals that focus on the education of professionals.

Geisel School of Medicine Faculty Profile