Aricca D. Van Citters, MS

Aricca Van Citters

Senior Research Scientist

Aricca Van Citters works closely with others at The Dartmouth Institute to co-design, implement, and test learning health systems for people with chronic or serious illness. Her research interests include understanding how learning health systems can enhance patient and clinician partnerships, improve health outcomes, and support the delivery of high value care. She has lead co-design processes and formative evaluations of registry-based learning health system projects that support coproduction of healthcare services for people living with serious illness, adult inflammatory bowel disease,  rheumatology conditions, and cystic fibrosis.

Ms. Van Citters has 20 years of experience conducting qualitative and quantitative process and outcomes evaluations in a variety of health care settings. Previous research efforts including understanding factors that contribute to rapid improvement in hospital quality, costs, and mortality; and studying health service interventions for older adults with serious mental illness.  She has provided technical assistance to states and organizations implementing evidence-based mental health care for older adults, and coaching to hospitals around methods to improve the patient experience of care. Ms. Van Citters received a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Dartmouth College, and a master of science degree from The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice.

For more information on current work, see: