Project: "The Challenges of Effectively Communicating Uncertainty in Medical Practice Across Language Barriers"
Edel Auh
Student Fellow
Elizabeth A Carpenter-Song
Faculty Fellow
Project: "Autonomy in Patient Care: Towards the Ethics of Ambiguity"
Colin H McLeish
Student Fellow
James Stahl
Faculty Fellow
Project: "Student Burnout at Geisel School of Medicine"
Julia L Berkowitz
Student Fellow
Matthew S Duncan
Faculty Fellow
Project: "Integrating Patient Perspectives into Screening for Social Determinants of Health"
Gabriela (Ika) Kovacikova
Student Fellow
Kimberly A Gifford
Faculty Fellow
Adam F Eddington
Student Fellow
Project: "The Dartmouth Dementia Directive: An advance care document for dementia care planning."
Megan Bunnell
Student Fellow
Robert Santulli
Faculty Fellow
Project: "The Ethical Imperative for Organizational Focus on Diversity and Inclusion."
Sylvia Guerra
Student Fellow
Greg Ogrinc
Faculty Fellow
Project: "Sharing Teaching, Sharing Decisions: Skills as Ethics."
Celestine Warren
Student Fellow
Glyn Elwyn
Faculty Fellow
Project: "More to the Story: Using Representations of Self to Expand Patient Narratives"
Lauren Kascek
Student Fellow
Kathy Kirkland
Faculty Fellow