Current Student-Faculty Fellow Teams


Project: A Cartographic Approach to Visualizing the Values of a Person

Student Fellow: Armando Braz

Faculty Fellow: William Nelson

Armando N Braz

William Nelson

Faculty Fellow

Project: Code Status Discussion at Hospital Admission

Student Fellow: Falen Demsas

Faculty Fellow: William Nelson

Falen Demsas

Student fellow

William Nelson

Faculty Fellow

Project: Updating the Concept of Empathy andits Clinical Implications

Student Fellow: Nicholas Fuller

Faculty Fellow: Maureen Boardman

Maureen Boardman, MSN, FNP-C, FAANP

Faculty Fellow

Nicholas Fuller

Student Fellow


Project: "Defining and Cultivating Trust amid Substance use-related Stigma: A qualitative investigation of the perceptions and behaviors of rural physicians and patients"

Amal W Cheema

Student Fellow

Elizabeth A Carpenter-Song

Faculty Fellow

Project: "Adapting the “Serious Illness Conversation Guide” for Dementia Patients"

Amelia M. Cullinan, MD

Faculty Fellow

Charlotte Berry

Student Fellow