Dynamics of antibiotic responses:
Stevanovic, M; Carvalho, JPT; Bittihn, P; Schultz, D. (2024) Dynamical model of antibiotic responses linking expression of resistance to metabolism explains emergence of heterogeneity during drug exposures. Phys Biol, 21, 036002.
Schultz, D; Stevanovic, M; Tsimring, L. (2022) Optimal transcriptional regulation of dynamic bacterial responses to sudden rug exposures. Biophys J, 121(21), 4137-4152.
Stevanovic, M; Boukéké-Lesplulier, T; Hupe, L; Hasty, J; Bittihn, P; Schultz, D.(2022) Nutrient gradients mediate complex colony-level antibiotic responses in structured microbial populations. Front Microbiol 13, 740259.
Wehrens, M; Ershov, D; Rozendaal, R; Walker, N; Schultz, D ; Kishony, R; Levin, PA; Tans SJ (2018) Size Laws and Division Ring Dynamics in Filamentous Escherichia coli cells. Current Biology, 28(6).
Schultz, D ; Palmer, AC; Kishony, R (2017) Regulatory dynamics determine cell fate following abrupt antibiotic exposure. Cell Systems, 5.
Microbial communities:
Robitaille, S; Simmons EL; Verster, AJ; McClure, EA; Royce, DB; Trus, E; Swartz, K; Schultz, D; Nadell, CD; Ross, BD. (2023) Community composition and the environment modulate the population dynamics of type VI secretion in human gut bacteria. Nat Ecol Evo, 7, 2092–2107.
Jean-Pierre, F; Hampton, TH; Schultz, D; Hogan, DA; Groleau, MC; Déziel, E; O’Toole, GA. (2023) Community composition shapes microbial-specific phenotypes in a cystic fibrosis polymicrobial model system. 12:e81604.
Mould, DL; Stevanovic, M; Ashare, A; Schultz, D; Hogan, DA. (2022) Metabolic basis for the evolution of a common pathogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa variant. eLife 11, e76555.
Webster, SS; Mathelié-Guinlet, M; Verissimo, AF; Schultz, D; Viljoen, A; Lee, CK; Schmidt, WC; Wong, GCL; Dufrêne, YF; O’Toole, GA. (2022) Force-induced changes of PilY1 drive surface sensing by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. MBio 13, e0375421.
O’Toole, GA; [...]; Schultz, D et al. (2021) Model Systems to Study the Chronic, Polymicrobial Infections in Cystic Fibrosis: Current Approaches and Exploring Future Directions. mBio 12, e0176321.
Kowalski, CH; Morelli, KA, Schultz, D; Nadell, CD; Cramer, RA. (2020) Fungal biofilm architecture produces hypoxic microenvironments that drive antifungal resistance. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 117.
Microbial evolution:
Crow, JC; Geng, H; Schultz D. (2023) Short-term evolution of antibiotic responses in fast-changing drug environments favors loss of regulation. bioRxiv, 2023.11.29.569327.
Schultz, D. (2023) mSphere of Influence: Learning Biology from the Radio. mSphere, 8, e00026-23.
Kaminski, S; [...]; Schultz, D et al. (2019) Evolthon: a community endeavor to evolve lab evolution. PLOS Biol, 17(3).
Schultz, D ; Kishony, R (2013) Optimization and control in bacterial Lag phase. BMC Biology, 11, 120.
Phenotypic heterogeneity in microbial colonies:
Schultz, D (2016) Coordination of cell decisions and promotion of phenotypic diversity in B. subtilis via pulsed behavior of the phosphorelay. BioEssays, 38.
Ben Jacob, E; Lu, MY; Schultz, D ; Onuchic, JN (2014) The physics of bacterial decision making. Front Cell Infect Microbiol , 4.
Schultz, D ; Lu, MY; Stavropoulos, T; Onuchic, JN; Ben Jacob, E (2013) Turning oscillations into opportunities: lessons from a bacterial decision gate. Scientific Reports , 3.
Schultz, D ; Onuchic, JN; Ben Jacob, E (2012) Turning death into creative force during biofilm engineering. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA , 109 , 18633-18634.
Ben Jacob, E; Schultz, D (2010) Bacteria determine fate by playing dice with controlled odds. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA , 107 , 13197-13198.
Schultz, D ; Wolynes, PG; Ben Jacob, E; Onuchic, JN (2009) Deciding fate in adverse times: Sporulation and competence in Bacillus subtilis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA , 106 , 21027-21034.
Stochasticity in gene networks:
Schultz, D ; Walczak, AM; Onuchic, JN; Wolynes, PG (2008) Extinction and resurrection in gene networks. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA , 105 , 19165-19170.
Schultz, D ; Ben Jacob, E; Onuchic, JN; Wolynes, PG (2007) Molecular level stochastic model for competence cycles in Bacillus subtilis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA , 104 , 17582-17587.
Schultz, D ; Onuchic, JN; Wolynes, PG (2007) Understanding stochastic simulations of the smallest genetic networks. J Chem Phys , 126 , 245102.
Hornos, JEM; Schultz, D ; Innocentini, GCP; Wang, J; Walczak, AM; Onuchic, JN; Wolynes, PG (2005) Self-regulating gene: An exact solution. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys , 72 , 051907.
Computational chemistry:
Schultz, D ; Droppa, R Jr; Alvarez, F; dos Santos, MC (2003) Stability of small carbon-nitride heterofullerenes. Phys Rev Lett , 90 , 015501.