Heath care is one of the most crucial issues facing our nation today. There is a pressing need for leaders who have an in-depth understanding of the complexity of both medical and management issues.
Innovative solutions will come from those professionals with interdisciplinary expertise of a high order - leaders trained in medicine and equipped with the skills of management. As healthcare evolves, there is a growing need for individuals with backgrounds both in medicine and management. The MD-MBA program at Dartmouth promotes clinical credibility while promoting managerial and administrative excellence.
The MD-MBA Program at Dartmouth promotes clinical credibility while promoting managerial and administrative excellence. In a time of rapid change in the structure and functioning of health care in this country, there is a growing need for persons with backgrounds in both medicine and management.
The Program is designed to allow students to achieve their full potential of both degree programs, while concurrently developing an understanding of the health care system as a whole.