Modupe Coker, BDS, MPH, PhD

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Epidemiology
University of Maryland, Baltimore, PhD 2015
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, MPH 2007
University of Ibadan, Nigeria, BDS 2004
Research Interests: Dr. Coker's research is focused on characterizing the effect of behavioral and environmental factors on microbial composition, oral/dental disease, and infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS. By investigating shifts in the microbiome, she hopes to understand how its modulation might present an important therapeutic target to improving overall health, particularly in young children. In addition, she is motivated by questions related to disease causality and the rigorous epidemiologic methods used to address them. Dr. Coker earned her Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, Masters in Public Health from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and her PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Maryland School of Medicine.