Brock Christensen, PhD

Professor of Epidemiology
Professor of Community and Family Medicine
Professor of Molecular and Systems Biology
Harvard University, PhD 2008
University of Wisconsin-Madison, BS 2002
Phone: (603) 650-1674
Professional Interests: Dr. Christensen's research is focused on combining advances in molecular biology, genomics and bioinformatics with the powerful techniques of modern epidemiology and statistics to characterize epigenetic states in human health and disease. His interests include understanding relationships between epigenetic states and exposures in the context of disease susceptibility, occurrence, and progression. By investigating complex interactions between the environment and somatic epigenetic alterations in target tissues, as well as epigenetic susceptibility traits in surrogate tissues, he hopes to develop their potential translational utility for diagnostic, prognostic, and/or treatment purposes.
Institutional & Center Affiliations:
Geisel School of Medicine
Christensen Lab