Alos B. Diallo

I am a PhD candidate in the Quantitative Biomedical Science program at Dartmouth, co-mentored by Dr. Brock Christensen and Dr. Joshua Levy. I was a double major at UMass Lowell, where I received a bachelor’s degrees in biology (bioinformatics) and philosophy.  My undergraduate research training was in Dr. Brian Bettencourt’s lab, where I studied the effects of stress on the gene expression of Hsp70 in Drosophila melanogaster. I was a bioinformatician in Dr. Marian Walhout’s lab at UMass Chan Medical School, where I studied the network of protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions in C. elegans. I received a master’s degree in bioinformatics from Harvard University, where I trained under Dr. Arlene Sharpe at Harvard Medical School. My project focused on understanding how the immune system responds to tumors when PD-1 is deleted on CD8 cells.  Prior to coming to Dartmouth, I was a senior bioinformatician in the Department of Immunology at Harvard Medical School for 10 years, where my research focused on understanding immune responses to disease. I am currently interested in studying the interactions between T cells and tumor immunity for patients with colorectal cancer. To accomplish this, I hope to combine spatial, transcriptomic, and epigenetic data to obtain a clearer picture of the tumor immune microenvironment.