
The teaching hospital in Kigali, Rwanda, where Steven Bensen helped to train physicians in gastroenterology.

Finding Inspiration in Rwanda

Steve Bensen, an associate professor of medicine, had long wanted to get involved in global health work. He recently got his chance when he spent two months helping to train physicians and residents at two hospitals in Rwanda.

The family Kedia is staying with lives outside of the city center. Their home overlooks farm fields and, in the distance, the mountains. Much of Haiti is mountainous but Cayes itself is quite flat.

One Month Is Not Such a Long Time

Over the past couple of weeks, Tara Kedia (’17) has been finishing up her work in Haiti, and she has also had the chance to see more of the country.

Understanding TB Diagnosis in Haiti

Last week, Tara Kedia (’17) arrived in Les Cayes, Haiti, where she will be working for the next month on two public health projects related to tuberculosis.

Getting Started in Dar es Salaam

Getting Started in Dar es Salaam

Auriel August (’17) thought her work this summer in Tanzania might get off to slow start. Instead, she is making good progress as she studies lung function among HIV-positive children.