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Assessment of a structured longitudinal professional identity development curriculum for pharmacy students. Pokorny, A., Boyle, J., Hoffman, A, Coffey, C., Schneider, S. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, Vol. 10, Issue 11, November 2018, pp 1518-1523
Manuel, R.S., Borges, N.J., Adcock, K., & Smith, J. (2018). Professional Identity and Career Calling Across Medical, Pharmacy and Dental Students. Medical Science Educator, 28, 19-21.
Borges, N.J., & Richard, G. (2018). Using the Delphi Method to Classify Medical Specialties. The Career Development Quarterly, 66, 85-90.
Bott, L.M., Duffy, R.D., Borges, N.J., Braun, T., Jordan, K., Marino, J. (2017). Called to Medicine: A Qualitative Study of Physicians’ Experience of Career Calling. The Career Development Quarterly, 65, 113-130.
Goodin, J.B., Duffy, R.D., Borges, N.J., Ulman, C.A., D'Brot, V.M., & Manuel, R.S. (2014). Medical Students with Low Self-efficacy Bolstered by Calling to Medical Specialty. Perspectives on Medical Education, 3, 89-100.
Borges, N.J. & Savickas, S. (2014). Work Style Preferences among Medical Specialties. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 84(3), 303-306.
Greenberg, R., Ziegler, C., Borges, N.J., Elam, C., Stratton, T., Woods, S. (2013). Medical Students’ Interests in Academic Medical Careers: A Multi-Institutional Study. Perspectives on Medical Education, 2, 298-316.
Borges, N.J., Navarro, A.N., Grover, A., Raque-Bogdan, T. & Elton, C. (2013). International Women Physicians’ Perspectives on Choosing an Academic Medicine Career. Perspectives on Medical Education. 2, 156-161.
Borges, N.J., Manuel, R.S., & Duffy, R.D. (2013). Specialty Interests and Career Calling to the Vocation of Medicine among First Year Medical Students. Perspectives on Medical Education. 2, 14-17. DOI 10.1007/s40037-012-0037-9.
Backes, K., Borges, N.J., Binder, S.B., & Roman, B. (2013). First Year Medical Student Objective Structured Clinical Exam Performance and Specialty Choice. International Journal Medical Education, 4, 38-40.
A Structured, Longitudinal Approach to Prepare Students for the Residency Search, Application and Interview Process, Ulbrich, T. and Pokorny, A. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, July 2013
Borges, N.J., Navarro, A.M., & Grover, A. (2012). Women Physicians: Choosing a Career in Academic Medicine. Academic Medicine, 87(1), 105-114.
Duffy, R.D., Manuel, R.S., Borges, N.J., & Bott, E.M. (2011). Calling, Vocational Development, and Well Being: A Longitudinal Study of Medical Students. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 79, 361-366.
Taber, B.J., Hartung, P.J., & Borges, N.J. (2011). Personality and Values as Predictors of Medical Specialty Choice. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 78, 202-209.
Three Innovative Curricula for Addressing Medical Students' Career Development
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Borges, N.J., Navarro, A.M., Grover, A., & Hoban, D. (2010). Academic medicine careers: A literature review. Academic Medicine, 85, 680-686.
Borges, N.J., Manuel, R.S., Duffy, R.D., Fedyna, D., & Jones, B.J. (2009). Influences on specialty choice for students entering person-oriented and technique-oriented specialties. Medical Teacher, 31, 1086-1088.
Duffy, R.D, Borges, N.J., & Hartung, P.J. (2009). Personality, vocational interests, and work values of medical students. Journal of Career Assessment, 17, 189-200.
Borges, N.J., Stratton, T., Wagner, P. & Elam. C.L. (2009). Emotional intelligence and specialty choice. Findings from three empirical studies. Medical Education, 43, 565-572.
Gibson, D.D., & Borges, N.J. (2009). Aligning career expectations with the practice of medicine: Physician satisfaction. Journal of Career Development, 35, 331-351.
Manuel, R.S., Borges, N.J., & Jones, B.J. (2009). Person-oriented versus technique-oriented specialties: Early preferences and eventual choice. Medical Education Online, 14:4, 1-7.
Borges, N.J., Richard, G.V., & Duffy, R.D. (2007). Career maturity of students in accelerated vs. traditional programs. Career Development Quarterly. 56(2), 171-176.
Borges, N.J. (2007). Behavioral exploration of career and specialty choice in medical students. Career Development Quarterly, 55(4), 351-358.
Meit, S.S., Borges, N.J., & Early, L.A. (2007). Personality differences in incoming male and female medical students: Preliminary results of a 9-year multisite study. Medical Education Online, 12:7, 1-6.
Rehfuss, M., & Borges, N.J. (2006). Using narratives to explore other-directed occupational choice and academic success. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 68(1), 64-72.
Borges, N.J., Gibson, D.D., & Karnani, R.M. (2005). Job satisfaction of physicians with congruent and incongruent specialty choice. Evaluation and the Health Professions, 28(4), 400-413.
Hartung, P.J., & Borges, N.J. (2005). Toward integrated career assessment: Using story to appraise career dispositions and adaptability. Journal of Career Assessment, 13(4). 439-451.
Manuel, R.S., Borges, N.J., & Gerzina, H.A. (2005). Personality and clinical skills: Any correlation? Academic Medicine, 80(10), S30-S33.
Richard, G.V., & Borges, N.J. (2005). First -year residents’ reflections on choice of residency program. Annals of Behavioral Science and Medical Education, 11(2), 95-99.
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Hartung, P.J., Borges, N.J., & Jones, B.J. (2005). Using person matching to predict medical specialty choice. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 67(1), 102-117.
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Borges, N.J., Savickas, M.L., & Jones, B.J. (2004). Holland’s theory applied to medical specialty choice. Journal of Career Assessment, 12(2), 188-206.
Borges, N.J., & Savickas, M.L. (2002). Personality and medical specialty choice: A literature review and integration. Journal of Career Assessment, 10(3), 362-380.
Borges, N.J. & Osmon, W.R. (2001). Personality and medical specialty choice: Technique orientation versus people orientation. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 58, 22-35.
Elton, C., & Borges, N.J. (2019). Career progression and support. In Tim Swanwick (Ed). 3rd Edition. Understanding Medical Education. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Elton, C., & Borges, N.J. (2013). Career progression and support. In Tim Swanwick (Ed). 2nd Edition. Understanding Medical Education. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.