Patient Actor App Instructions

How to create and upload your own cases for the AI Patient Actor app.


More information about the AI Patient Actor app can be found here. 

A list of existing cases is available here. If you want full detailed information on each case for your teaching purposes, please email your request to

A. Create your own case description file

A. Please follow this organization, numbering and labeling when creating your own case. It is important that your case file follows this template closely.


1. Patient Demographics

2. Presenting Complaint

3. History of Present Illness

4. Past Medical History

5. Medications & Allergies

6. Family History

7. Social History

8. Review of Systems

9. Physical Examination

10. Neurological examination

11. Diagnostic Studies and Results

12. Differential Diagnosis

13. Diagnostic criteria for the diagnosed disease

14. Clinical Question(s) for Discussion

15. Discussion and Teaching Points

Entries for #1 through #11 are mandatory. The others are optional.

Tip: You can use an AI agent to help with the creation of the case. The following AI agents will create cases for you in the required format. AI may be inaccurate. Make sure you double-check the output and edit to meet your educational needs.

AI agent for US context

AI agent for East African context


B. Save the case description file as a Word document.

Make sure to follow the same numbering and order as above.


C. Upload the case description file

Please upload the case description file below. We require verification that the person who uploads the file is an educator. Please provide your institutional email address and website. It may take up to 24 h for your case to appear in the app.

Upload here: Case Upload


D. Share the app link with your students 

Give them the name of the case you want them to complete. At the end, students can download the transcript and the feedback they received. You can ask them to turn this in as proof that they engaged with the case.

AI Patient Actor App

Direct link: 



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