Radiographics Top Ten Reading List
Adrenal Glands
Adrenal tumors-Rad-path correlation
Anal Fistula MR
MR Defacography Consensus AJR 2021
MR pelvic floor disorders Radiographics 2014
MR Defecography posterior compartment
MR female pelvic floor
MR Pelvic floor pictoral review
MRI Rectal cancer - practical considerations
MRI Rectal cancer - Staging, Sloan KetteringĀ
Bladder & urethra
Anatomy & complications of urinary diversions
Bladder neoplasms-Rad-path correlation
MRI liver In-Outphase imaging
Hepatobiliary Contrast Agents
FHN vs Adnoma
MRI evaluation of Hemochromatosis
MRI of bile duct strictures
Imaging post Image-guided hepatic interventions
Imaging post liver SBRT
Kidneys & collecting system
Bosniak classification update 2019
MRI of renal masses
TCC of upper urinary tract
Management of Incidental findings
Part I-Adnexa
Part II-Vascular
Part III-Spleen and lymph nodes
Part IV-Gallbladder and biliary system
Liver, Kidneys, Pancreas, Adrenals
Complications after Pancreatoduodenectomy
Ductal Adenocarcinoma; reporting and resectability
Necrotizing pancreatitis
Mesenteric lymph nodes
Imaging evaluation of peritoneal disease
Pharynx, esophagus
Esophageal Resection: Indications, Techniques, and Radiologic Assessment
Prostate & seminal vesicles
EUSR Prostate imaging guidelines
PI-Rads structured reporting of the prostate
Reproductive Tract-Female
MRI of endometriosis
Ovarian cystic lesions
Ovarian tumor imaging
Mullerian duct anomalies
MRI of uterine malignancies
O-Rads ACR Reporting
Reproductive Tract- Male
Cysts of the Male Reproductive Tract
Imaging of retroperitoneal fibrosis
Peritoneal and Retro-peritoneal Anatomy and Its Relevance for Cross-Sectional Imaging
Small intestine
2018 Imaging & reporting in small bowel Crohns
Crohns MRE 1
Crohns MRE 2
MDCT of Internal Hernias
MDCT of RLQ pain
Internal Hernias Grand Rounds
Long term complications of GI Tract Surgery
Incidental lesions of the spleen: Is follow up needed?
MR of the spleen
Radiology of the Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Procedure
CTA of the Abdominal Wall, Pre-flap
CTA of vascular compression syndromes