Dr. Matthew Nemesure, PhD

PhD Student in Quantitative Biomedical Sciences (QBS)
Matthew Nemesure is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Quantitative Biomedical Sciences department at the Geisel School of Medicine. He has a Bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in Integrative Neuroscience. Matthew’s primary interest is in applied statistics and machine learning. His previous work involved utilizing these data science techniques across a broad spectrum of research areas including cancer, neurodegenerative disorders and psychology. Currently his work and interests are focused on using cutting edge machine learning and AI technologies to address the complexities of “big-data” in the context of psychological disorders. Additionally, through his coursework and prior job experience, Matthew has developed the mathematics and computer science skills necessary for complex data science work. He has experience in natural language processing, web-scraping, data visualization and building + maintaining a REST API through an internship at Oracle as well as coursework at Dartmouth. In his spare time, Matthew Enjoys the occasional game of pick-up basketball or soccer and attending trivia with his friends. During the colder months, he can be found skiing on the weekends or endeavoring to cook something new in the kitchen.