Alex DaSilva

Alex completed his BS in Psychology with a minor in Statistics at Iowa State University. He is currently a graduate student in department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Dartmouth College working with Dr. Meghan Meyer in the Dartmouth Social Neuroscience Lab.  While at Iowa State, he was selected to participate in a NSF REU working with Jennifer Vendemia at the University of South Carolina investigating the neural correlates of social emotions.  Broadly, he is interested in the interplay between mental health and social/self-processing and uses multiple modalities to do so (e.g., social network analysis, smart-phone sensing).  In addition, he really likes regression in all shapes and forms whether it be semiparametric, mixed, penalized, generalized, or some combination of these techniques.  In his free time, he enjoys watching reality TV, cooking, and hanging out with his cat, Mr. Kitty.