
Leading by Example

Overall the work here is going very well – needless to say I find it incredibly rewarding and am fortunate enough to be working alongside outstanding colleagues, both Rwandan and US. I am working at the main teaching hospital in Kigali, spending time in clinical teaching conferences, rounding on the wards (focusing on those patients with TB and HIV, of which there are many, about 40%) and in the HIV clinic.

Making the Rounds in Rwanda

Making the Rounds in Rwanda

In Kigali, Rwanda, the visiting HRH program doctors are working to build an appreciation among their local faculty colleagues of the importance of hands-on teaching. The best way to do so is by example, which is why doctors like Dartmouth’s Dr. Lisa Adams attends daily ward rounds with residents and medical students.

A Culture Change

The Human Resources for Health (HRH) Program faculty from Dartmouth are now six weeks into their work here in Rwanda. Spread across a handful of teaching hospitals, the physicians have been partnered with local faculty “twins,” and after some initial work developing resident rotations built on care team model and revising resident curriculum, they are now busy mentoring and teaching residents as well as medical students.

Rwanda, August 17

Meet Dr. Jean-Luc Nkurikiyimfura. His lengthy last name means “striving for excellence” in Kinyarwanda. To everyone’s relief, the amiable young Rwandan doctor prefers to go by Dr. Jean-Luc. As director of the HIV out-patient clinic at CHUK (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Kigali), the main teaching hospital in Kigali, he is a very busy man.