Women in Science Project (WISP) Research Internship Program James O. Freedman Presidential Scholars
Quantitative Biomedical Sciences
Postdoctoral Training Program for Quantitative Population Sciences in Cancer at Dartmouth
Women in Science Project (WISP) Research Internship Program
The WISP Research Internship Program matches first-year undergraduate women with faculty mentors in paid, part-time research internships in the sciences. Please check the online database (http://wisp.dartmouth.edu/session/new) for hands-on research experiences and opportunities with a research scientist or faculty member in the Department of Biomedical Data Science.
James O. Freedman Presidential Scholars
The James O. Freedman Presidential Scholars Program provides opportunities for junior undergraduate students to work as paid, part-time research assistants with Dartmouth faculty, including those in the Department of Biomedical Data Science. The scholarship program is intended to support research related to a senior honors thesis.
Quantitative Biomedical Sciences
The QBS program seeks to train highly qualified students in bioinformatics, biostatistics, epidemiology and health data science for careers in academia and industry. Students can apply to either the interdisciplinary PhD program or the Masters program with a concentration in Health Data Science. Our philosophy is that the modern biomedical scientist must be able to speak more than one language to successfully collaborate in a highly multidisciplinary environment.
PhD Program
Students trained through the PhD program will be versed in bioinformatics, biostatistics and epidemiology. The program is interdepartmental with numerous collaborations between QBS members and those in other graduate programs at Dartmouth. In addition to coursework, research rotations during the first year provide students the opportunity to explore diverse research interests and then make an informed decision when selecting a thesis lab. Each student works closely with a thesis advisor and has the opportunity to interact daily with other members of the program. PhD students receive a Dartmouth Fellowship that provides a full tuition scholarship, annual student stipend, and a prepaid health insurance plan. Students and graduates have worked across fields, interning or beginning careers in academia and leading tech companies.
QBS MS in Health Data Science ~New~
The program trains students to be professional data scientists with a particular focus in healthcare through coursework in data wrangling, exploratory data analysis, statistical modelling, machine learning, data visualization and communication, and applied project work in medicine, healthcare, computational biology, pharma and genomics. Health Data Science students have access to a range of interdisciplinary courses allowing each student to tailor their program to have a competitive advantage for a career in Big Data, healthcare and biomedicine or to prepare for a subsequent Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Training Program for Quantitative Population Sciences in Cancer at Dartmouth
Postdoctoral Training Program for Quantitative Population Sciences in Cancer at Dartmouth
The Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth invites applications for a postdoctoral training and career development program designed to cross-train scientists in the fields of bioinformatics, biostatistics and epidemiology for cancer research in the biomedical sciences. The Training Program for Quantitative Population Sciences in Cancer at Dartmouth is supported by the Cancer Education and Career Development program of the National Cancer Institute. Trainees with doctorates in diverse biomedical sciences will choose a secondary focus area among the three core disciplines and participate in a combination of structured, group learning activities and individually designed mentored research opportunities. Stipends and course tuition are provided, and certificates and MS degrees in quantitative disciplines are available.