Meet The Team

Student Leaders

Allison Booher, Asylum Training Coordinator, 2022-23. Blond shoulder-length hair.

Allison Booher

Asylum Training Coordinator

Human named Ben with short hair, dark glasses, a mustache, and beard

Benjamin Wanger

Asylum Coordinator

Sarah Curtis, Asylum Coordinator 2023-24. Profile image, wavy light brown should-length hair

Sarah Curtis

Asylum Coordinator

Dana Hazem, Asylum Coordinator 2023-24 Long brown hair, wearing white DHMC jacket.

Dana Hazem

Asylum Coordinator

Placeholder Image

Mario Flores

Asylum Coordinator

Placeholder Image

Minji Ko

Asylum Coordinator

Physician Evaluators

Donald Kollisch, MDShort gray hair and mustache

Donald Kollisch, MD

Family Medicine

Patricia Głową, MD gray hair in a bun wearing glasses

Patricia Głową, MD

Family Medicine

Sarah Vaithilingam, MD dark hair and smiling

Sarah Vaithilingam, MD

Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Michael Kisicki, MD profile image. Short hair with glasses.

Michael Kisicki, MD

Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Craig Donnelly, MD profile image. Short dark hair with a beard and mustuche.

Craig Donnelly, MD

Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Victoria Trump Redd, MD Profile image, long brown hair, glasses, smiling

Victoria Trump Redd, MD

Adult Psychiatry


Sarah Johansen, MD Profile image, shoulder-length, brown and wavy hair with open smile.

Sarah Johansen, MD

Emergency Medicine

Kate Semple Barta, JD. Profile image. Medium-length brown hair and open smile.

Kate Semple Barta, JD

Attorney and Director of Welcoming All Nationalities Network (WANN)

Past Student Leaders and Volunteers


Arhem Barkatullah '23

Maha Ahmed '23

Aya Bashi '23

Amal Cheema '23

Steven Tau, MD/PhD candidate


Yusuf Ebrahim '22

Christa Kuck '22

Maggie Leech '22

Ashley Yang '22


Julia McDonald '21

Christina Tsai '21