Lab Members
Principal Investigator
Lawrence C. Myers
B.A. Reed College, Portland, OR, 1990
Ph.D., Harvard University, 1995
Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Professor Roger Kornberg, Stanford University Department of Structural Biology, 1995-1999
Current Lab Members
Zhongle Liu
B.S. Fudan University, China, 2003 - 2007
PhD candidate, Dartmouth MCB, 2007 - now
Research: Studies Mediator biochemistry and fungal specific gene regulation.
Anda Zhang
B.S. Northwest A&F University, China, 2005 - 2009
PhD candidate, Dartmouth MCB, 2009 - now
Research: Studies epigenetic gene regulation and morphological switching in C. albicans.
Emily R. Hyun
Dartmouth College, Class of 2013, Biology major
Research: protein purification and crystallization.
Previous Lab Members
Kostadin Petrov
Harvard Medical School
Shaurav Regmi
Reed College
Dhana Nair
Postdoc research fellow with Professor Ambrose Cheung, The Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Microbiology & Immunology Department
Gudrun Bjornsdottir
Works at Keilir Atlantic Center of Excellence, Keflavík, Iceland
Ben Guidi