
The Application/ Selection Process

We recruit Geisel medical students with an interest in academic medicine, medical education and teaching. The selection process begins shortly after the beginning of each academic year.

What does it mean to be a Medical Education Scholar?

In the upcoming academic year, we aim to deepen students’ understanding of Medical Education (in all its forms) and establish robust support structures for student research within this discipline. Our initiatives are designed to contribute meaningfully to individual Scholars’ educational experience at Geisel and support the learning of all students. Our hope is that Medical Education Scholars will function as an integral part of Medical Education at Dartmouth/DHMC and create meaningful collaboration between students and faculty both this year and in the years to come.

Here's what we do:

  • Introduce students to the academic discipline of Medical Education through journal clubs, panels, and discussions with Medical Education experts at Geisel. This year we’re joining faculty for two monthly events:
  • Medical Education Research Rounds: an interactive space to discuss current topics and published research in medical education, present planned/ongoing projects, and solicit feedback on research ideas/methods/etc.
  • Medical Education Seminar Series: presentations and workshops designed to develop the knowledge and skills for medical education research and teaching.
  • Support Scholars with the mechanics of medical education scholarship, including designing and conducting research studies, scholarly writing, and dissemination through conference presentations and publications related to their projects.
  • Collaborate with Academic Skills and Accessibility Services to organize study sessions and reviews for first- and second-year medical students, such as:
    • Overview of outside resources and when to use them
    • Anatomy quiz reviews
    • Pre-finals trivia
    • Cells, Tissues and Organs tutoring
    • Transitioning to Third Year Clerkships
    • Conduct monthly meetings and host guest speakers

What is required:

  • Attend monthly MedEd meetings
  • Attend at least one MedEd event each month
  • Complete a scholarly project related to Medical Education by the end of M4
  • Engage in academic discourse and support fellow members
  • Work collaboratively with fellow scholars to plan events, study sessions, and workshops

Be on the lookout for an email and session on the Student Events calendar via the Student Affairs Office. The application includes a form/essay component and interview. Students of any class can apply if they feel they can meet the meeting and project requirements. If you have any questions, please contact the student leader(s).