Dartmouth Life Sciences Symposium History: 1996

1996: Regulation of Gene Expression

Marian Carlson, College of Physicians and Surgeons
"Protein Kinases, Phosphatases and Transcriptional Repression in Yeast"

Rudolph Grosschedl, UCSF
"Role of LEF-1 in the Transcriptional Control of Lymphopoiesis"

Roger Kornberg. Stanford University School of Medicine
"The RNA Polymerase II Initiation Complex: Structure and Regulation"

Michael Levine, UCSD
"Transcription Control of Drosophila Embryogenesis"

Nancy Speck, Dartmouth Medical School
"CBF, a Central Player in Hematopoiesis and Leukemia"

Robert Tjian, UC Berkeley
"Mechanisms of Transcriptional Regulation in Eukaryotes: Surprises and Complexities"
