Dartmouth Life Sciences Symposium History: 2001

2001: Lipids and Membrane Trafficking: Crossroad in Health and Disease

Kai Simons, Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
"Lipid Rafts in Membrane Trafficking"

T.Y. Chang, Dartmouth Medical Schoolæ
"Intracellular Cholesterol Esterification and Trafficking"

Scott Emr, HHMI, UCSDæ
"Phosphoinositide Signaling and Ubiquitin-dependent Protein Sorting in the Secretory and Endocytic Pathways"

Charles Barlowe, Dartmouth Medical Schoolæ
"COPII-dependent Transport between the ER and Golgi Complex"

Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, NICHD, NIH
"Golgi Maintenance and Inheritance is Controlled by the Sar1/COPII and Arf1/coatomer Systems"

Mike Brown, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centeræ
"SREBPs: Modulators of Membrane Composition"
