Dartmouth Life Sciences Symposium History: 2018
Cell Polarity Across the Diversity of Life
Across the tree of life and within single organisms, cells grow into a dizzying array of shapes and sizes. Are there common molecules or design principles that generate this striking cellular diversity? The 2018 Life Sciences Symposium celebrates this diversity across nature focusing on cell polarity mechanisms, the architects of cellular structure. Cell polarity connects with virtually every cell type and process in the kingdom of life, from single-celled organisms like bacteria and yeasts to complex multicellular organisms like plants and animals. We will learn how cells acquire their size, shape, and fate through molecular interactions within the cell polarity program. These topics and more will be covered by an exciting lineup of leaders in the field.

Magdalena Bezanilla, PhD
E.E. Just 1907 Professor of Biological Sciences
Dartmouth College

Yves V. Brun, PhD
Distinguished Professor of Biology
Indiana University

Jamie Moseley, PhD
Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth

Kang Shen, PhD
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator
Professor of Biology and Pathology
Stanford University

John Wallingford, PhD
William and Gwyn Shive Endowed Professor
Department of Molecular Biosciences
The University of Texas at Austin

Yukiko Yamashita, PhD
Professor in the Life Sciences
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator
University of Michigan