Dartmouth Life Sciences Symposium History: 2003

2003: Pumps and Channels: Membrane Proteins in Health and Disease

Dean R. Madden, Dartmouth Medical School
"The Structure and Function of Glutamate Receptor Ion Channels"

Nigel Unwin, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
"The Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor"

Bruce A. Stanton, Dartmouth Medical School
"Regulation of CFTR Endocytic Trafficking"

Wil N. Konings, University of Groningen
"Resistance to Toxic Compounds and Antibiotics Mediated by the Multidrug Efflux Pump LmrA"

Werner K�hlbrandt, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics
"Structural Biology of Membrane Transport"

Robert M. Stroud, University of California, San Francisco
"Selectivity Among the Aquaporin Family"
