How to Register for Electives and Sub-Internships in Years 3 and 4
Geisel School of Medicine Established Electives and Sub-Internships
- These are requested through OASIS (Online Access to Student Information and Scheduling)
- For questions regarding accessing OASIS, please contact the Geisel Registrar's Office
Geisel School of Medicine Non-Established Electives and Sub-Internships
- Complete the Geisel School of Medicine Non-Established Elective / Sub-I Application
Away Electives and Sub-Internships (including those approved via VSLO)
- Complete the required paperwork for the away site
- Once accepted by the away site, complete the Geisel School of Medicine Non-Established Elective / Sub-I Application
- Read Important Information and Issues Regarding the “Away” Rotation
International Electives and Sub-Internships
- Complete the requirements for the away site
- Once accepted by the away site, complete the Geisel School of Medicine Non-Established Elective / Sub-I Application. The Geisel Registrar’s Office will contact the student with additional requirements that must be completed for an international rotation.
VSLO (Visiting Student Learning Opportunities)
- Invitations issued to M3 students in December/January
- Instructions from VSLO will follow
- Once approved for a rotation, complete the Geisel School of Medicine Non-Established Elective / Sub-I Application
You must be registered through the Geisel School of Medicine 4 weeks BEFORE any rotation starts. If you are NOT registered on OASIS, you will not be covered by liability insurance.
All non-established electives and sub-internships must be approved by the Assistant Dean of Phase 3 and registered with the Geisel Registrar's Office prior to the start date.