Asking for Money
You must bring any gifts received to your recognizing department to ensure that they are properly recorded and that a tax receipt is sent to the donor. Remember to also send a prompt thank-you note.
• From Alumni/Parents: This is NOT ALLOWED. The College forbids broad-based solicitation of alumni/ae and/or parents by student organizations for reasons you will come to appreciate upon graduation. If you know specific individuals, however, that have shown an interest in your organization you are welcome to keep them informed about your organization's activities. If this should prompt an individual to offer you a donation you may accept it. Checks should again be made payable to Dartmouth College. Bring any donations to your recognizing department immediately and send a timely thank-you note.
• From Local Businesses: you are free to ask local merchants for donations in the form of checks or merchandise. Bear in mind that local vendors have been solicited for donations repeatedly so be professional, ask for a manager, have a written proposal, and remember to follow up with a thank-you note within a week.
• From National Corporations: offices or stores of national (or international) corporations may be approached at the local level. An example would be asking the store manager of Starbucks for a donation which is allowed. If you want to ask a national corporation at the corporate level for a donation you must first speak with Director of the Collis Center.