Dartmouth College Health Service
The Dartmouth College Health Service provides medical care and services to students enrolled in Dartmouth College, the Geisel School of Medicine, Thayer, Tuck, and the Arts and Sciences graduate programs. In addition, the Health Service develops and promotes health education information to maintain a healthy lifestyle for students during college and beyond. The Health Service Office (known as Dick’s House in memorial to Richard Drew Hall ’27) is located at 5-7 Rope Ferry Road, an extension of North Main Street.
Medical Services
Dick’s House offers many medical services to students ranging from preventative care and women’s health to travel health. For medical appointments call 603-646-9400. If you need assistance to get to the Health Service call the Safety and Security Office.
Students will find many of their health care expenses at the College Health Service are covered by Health Service programs. Examples of expenses not covered by the Health Service are complex lab and x-ray tests, immunizations, medications, hospital admissions, emergency room visits, and referrals to other Medical Center services and programs. Physical exams are not covered but may be submitted to your own insurance company.
Inpatient Services
The Inpatient Unit is available to students whose illness or injury would normally be cared for at home by family members. The infirmary is open during fall, winter, and spring terms and is staffed by Health Service physicians and registered nurses. Students requiring more extensive hospitalization are referred to the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center located approximately 2 miles from campus; in these cases, the student is responsible for hospital expenses assisted by his/her health insurance program.
General Health and Immunizations Policy
*Only those medical students who have met the Health Service requirements for immunizations will be allowed to participate in clinical assignments.
Prior to matriculation, students must submit to the Health Service (Dick’s House), paper immunization and tuberculosis forms in addition to completing a series of online health forms. Specific instructions for completing these requirements.
NOTE: Dartmouth College does not require serological titers for Measles, Mumps and Rubella. However, they will be required in year 3 for participation in electives. You might consider having these titers drawn now rather than waiting for year 3 when schedules will be unpredictable. The same applies to the Varicella titer. Even if you have two doses of the Varicella vaccine to meet
pre-matric requirements you might consider having the titer drawn now. A Hepatitis B Surface Antibody titer is already required. Lab reports must be attached and submitted to the Health Service along with your health care provider completed immunization form.