ARTICLE VII: Performance Reviews

Section 1: Faculty

As set forth in the APT document, the Chair of the department in which the faculty member holds his/her/their primary appointment shall review and document the performance of all members of the faculty in meeting expectations for their appointment at least annually.

Section 2: Non-Faculty Academics

All Non-faculty academic members of the medical school employed by Dartmouth College will be reviewed at least annually by their sponsor/supervisor in general accordance with policies established by the Office of Human Resources at Dartmouth College, or as amended by the Dean of Faculty Affairs.

Section 3: Staff

All members of the medical school staff employed by Dartmouth College will be reviewed at least annually according to policies established by the Office of Human Resources at Dartmouth College.

Section 4: Department Chairs

Performance reviews of the foundational department chairs by the Dean shall be conducted at least annually. The Dean shall solicit input from the members of the department, senior leadership, and chairs of other medical school departments. The results of this review will be discussed with the department chair.

Review of the clinical department chairs is performed at least annually by D-H in conjunction with the Dean and information pertinent to the chair’s performance as it relates to the academic mission is discussed by the Dean and the President of D-H.

Section 5: Dean

A performance review of the Dean shall be conducted once every four years by the Provost of Dartmouth College. This should be conducted through evaluation of programmatic success and by broad consultation with faculty and leadership of Geisel and Dartmouth College. The recommendations of the Provost will be forwarded through the President to the Dartmouth College Board of Trustees, who will have ultimate authority for renewal of the appointment to the position of Dean.