A new Dartmouth-led study, published this week in the journal Pediatrics, has found that the disproportionate use of premiums within child-targeted TV advertising for children’s fast-food meals is deceptive, violating the industry’s own self-regulatory guidelines.
Press Release
Geisel Professor Elected to the National Academy of Sciences
Ta-Yuan (T.Y.) Chang, PhD, a professor of biochemistry and cell biology at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine, has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), considered to be one of the country’s premier scientific societies.
Sandra Wong Elected President-Elect of Society of Surgical Oncology
The Society of Surgical Oncology announced that Sandra L. Wong, MD, MS, FSSO, is its president-elect. Wong, a surgical oncologist, is the chair of the Department of Surgery at Dartmouth-Hitchcock and the Geisel School of Medicine.
Targeting Drug-Resistant Breast Cancer with Estrogen
Dartmouth researchers achieve better long-term control of drug-resistant breast cancer growth in mice by switching between estrogen and anti-estrogen therapies.
Philanthropy-Backed Accelerator Advances Cancer Therapies
Three teams of Dartmouth researchers have been selected to receive the first awards from the Dartmouth Innovations Accelerator for Cancer.
New Hampshire Cancer Researchers Find Cellular Evidence Behind Lasting Immune Response in Some Cancer Survivors
Researchers at Dartmouth’s and Dartmouth-Hitchcock’s Norris Cotton Cancer Center (NCCC) have found that a certain subpopulation of cells that enters a patient’s skin and blood during immunotherapy is behind the excellent and long-lasting immune responses to cancer that some survivors develop.
Madhumala Sadanandappa Appointed to Early Career Leadership Program
The Genetics Society of America helps early career researchers develop leadership skills and build relationships within an international community of scientists.
Barbara Jobst MD, Dr. med, Named Chair of Neurology Department
Dartmouth-Hitchcock (D-H) and the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth have appointed Barbara C. Jobst, MD, Dr. med, as the new chair of the Department of Neurology for D-H and Geisel.
Dartmouth Researchers Pilot FLASH Radiotherapy Beam Development for Treatment of Cancer
Dartmouth researchers convert a standard linear accelerator used for delivery of radiation therapy cancer treatment, to deliver an ultra-high-dose rate radiation therapy beam to patients “in a flash.”
Groundwork for COVID-19 Vaccine Laid at Dartmouth (Updated)
Discoveries originating in a basic science lab at the Geisel School of Medicine are being used in the newly approved COVID-19 vaccine from the Pfizer/BioNTech partnership.