A $10 million gift from an anonymous donor combined with a $5 million matching gift, also anonymous, will accelerate research aimed at finding better treatments and ultimately a cure for cystic fibrosis at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth.
Donor Impact
Underwriting Ethics, the Foundation of Health Care
Dr. Bill Nelson is passionate about teaching ethics to medical students and has made a gift to help ensure that such teaching has enduring support at the Geisel School of Medicine.
Gift Honors Surgery that Saved Joseph Smith’s Leg
Descendants of Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon Church, have created a scholarship at the Geisel School of Medicine to honor and give thanks for a pioneering surgery that Dartmouth’s Dr. Nathan Smith performed on young Joseph.
Mary Kay Foundation Grant Fights Breast Cancer Sleeper Cells
Thanks to a $100,000, two-year grant from the Mary Kay Foundation, Geisel researchers are launching a study to identify the biological mechanisms that allow clinically dormant ER+ breast cancer cells to survive anti-estrogen therapy.
Health Care, Globalization Each Get $10 Million Gifts
Dartmouth has announced two landmark gifts that will engage faculty and students in tackling some of the world’s greatest challenges and ultimately aim to improve the lives of people across the globe.
Shining a Bright Light on the Care of Sick Babies
A three-year, $800,000 grant from the Anthem Foundation to The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice will fund the first comprehensive, nationwide study of neonatal intensive care.
Falk Foundation Grant Advances Translational Research in Scleroderma
Ground-breaking discoveries about a rare and debilitating family of diseases has earned Geisel genetics researcher Michael Whitfield, a highly competitive Catalyst Award from the Dr. Ralph and Marian Falk Medical Research Trust.
$2.5 million Burroughs Wellcome Fund Grant Promotes Cross-Discipline Communication
A grant from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund will help facilitate stronger collaborations between computational scientists and biomedical researchers in order to maximize the potential of big data to improve human health.
Geisel Researcher Receives Data-Driven Discovery Grant from Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Casey Greene, PhD, an assistant professor of genetics at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine, has been selected for a highly competitive award from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to support his work to bring the power of big data into the biology lab.
$36.7 Million in Giving Sets New 12-Month Record for the Geisel School of Medicine and Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Strong support from donors pushed the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth and Dartmouth-Hitchcock to new levels of philanthropic support for the fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2014.