The 2017 Geisel MLK Celebration will kick-off on Friday, Jan. 13 with the presentation of the documentary America Divided - "Something in the Water." On Sat., Jan. 14, the celebration continues with panel discussions and a clinical skills session, and concludes with a keynote presentation by Tim Wise, an educator and author of "White Like Me."
"In the End We will Remember not the Words of our Enemies but the Silence of Our Friends!"
Statement of Purpose
We come together today to celebrate and continue the work and mission of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In 1967 Dr. King said, "In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." We must hold ourselves accountable and strive to create a community when people scream "I cannot breathe" they are heard; a society where people seek refuge and they find open doors; a world where the suffering and deaths of hundreds will not be ignored. Today, we aim to create dialogue, followed by action, to re-engage the disenfranchised and amplify the voices of those who have been silenced.
For more info and a full schedule, visit the Geisel MLK Celebration website.
Friday, January 13th
Documentary: 5:45 PM - America Divided - "Something in the Water", Dinner provided
Facilitator: Daisy Goodman, CNM, DNP, MPH
Saturday, January 14th
8:30 AM - Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM - Survivors of Sexual Assault Panel and Discussion
Co-Facilitators: Janet Caroll, NH SANE Program Coordinator
Abby Tassel, Assistant Director WISE Program Center
10:00 AM - Transgender Health Patient Panel and Discussion
Facilitator: Jack Turco MD
11:00 AM - Interactive Clinical Skills Sessions
- Station One: Skin and Hair
This station exhibits the varying manifestation of lesions on different skin tones including white, beige, olive, brown, etc. And will also explore a range of hair textures, hair-styling techniques, and associated pathologies.
Co-Facilitators: Dr. Megan Adamson, MHS-CL, Live Well Work Well Primary Care and Dr. Stephanie White, Geisel Diversity Advisor for Medical Students and Residents - Station 2: Communication
This station will teach participants how to navigate cultural divides be they regional, socioeconomic, or otherwise in the context of patient interviewing.
Facilitator: Margaret Sullivan NP, VA Heart Failure Clinic
Noon - Lunch and Multicultural Performers
Keynote Speaker:
1:00 PM - Keynote Presentation
Tim Wise, Author of "White Like Me"
Location: Dartmouth College Campus, Life Sciences Center, Oopik Auditorium.
Sponsored by the Dartmouth College Office for Institutional Diversity and Equity, The Dartmouth Institute and the Geisel Office for Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement.
Everyone Welcome!