Dartmouth Medical School

For Release: May 7, 2007
Contact: DMS Communications 603-650-1492

Schweitzer Fellows Lead Volunteers for Common Good

HANOVER, NH—More than 50 Dartmouth medical and engineering students volunteered in the community for Common Good Day on May 1, a joint venture to serve local social service agencies that was organized by the Dartmouth Medical School and Thayer School of Engineering 2006-07 Schweitzer Fellows.

It was the second time that DMS Schweitzer fellows led classmates into underserved community areas, but the first in collaboration with Thayer students who are now part of the New Hampshire/Vermont Schweitzer Fellows Program, launched at DMS in 1996.

Students chose from 10 different volunteer opportunities that ranged from assisting at the Haven, an emergency shelter for displaced families, to building a bike and walking trail at Romano Circle, a low income housing facility, to cleaning and maintenance at Hannah House, a residence for pregnant and parenting teenagers.

The U.S. Schweitzer Fellows programs provide community service fellowships for graduate students in health-related professions who are dedicated to addressing unmet health needs in their local areas. NH/VT Schweitzer Fellows for 2007-08 announced recently include the Dartmouth students and projects listed below.

Dartmouth Medical School

Thayer School