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Richard J. Comi, MD

Professor of Medicine


Fordham University, BS 1976
Harvard Medical School, MD 1980

Academy of Master Faculty Educators

Academic Analytics
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Contact Information

Dartmouth Medical School
HB 7500
Hanover NH 03755

Mentoring Information

Rich is willing to serve as a mentor for small group teaching, PBL teaching and case development.


Rich is a member of the Section of Endocrinology and Metabolism and has been a Professor of Medicine at Geisel School of Medicine since 2012. His current positions at the Geisel School of Medicine are as Assistant Director for the Scientific Basis of Medicine, co Director of the Themes Course in SBM and Director of the PBL Program in the second year. He is also the Program Director for the Endocrine and Metabolism Fellowship. He has been a small group leader in Endocrinology and a tutor in PBL for many years. He gives multiple lectures in the SBM Endocrinology Course and also lectures in the Clinical Pharmacology Course in the fourth year curriculum. He supervises students in the Endocrine clinical elective. He came to Dartmouth Medical School in January 1989.