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Periannan (Kupps) Kuppusamy, MSc, PhD

Professor of Radiology
Professor of Medicine

Additional Titles/Positions/Affiliations
Adjunct Professor, Radiation Oncology & Applied Sciences
Adjunct Professor, Thayer School of Engineering
Adjunct Professor, Department of Chemistry


1987-90 Cardiovascular Fellowship - Johns Hopkins University (Post-doctoral)
1986-87 Fogarty Fellow, National Institutes of Health (Post-doctoral)
1980-85 PhD - Indian Institute of Technology (Chennai) - Alumni Award (2015)
1975-77 MSc - University of Madras (1st Rank/Gold medal)
1972-75 BSc - University of Madras (4th rank)

Curriculum Vitae

NIH Biosketch

Contact Information

601 Rubin Building
1 Medical Center Dr
Lebanon NH 03756

Office: 601 Rubin Bldg
Phone: 603-646-5490
Email: kuppu@dartmouth.edu

Professional Interests

Oxygen/ROS pathobiology
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)
CW and pulse EPR spectroscopy/imaging
Advanced probes and methods for oxygen measurement in the clinic
In vivo imaging of oxygen in experimental and clinical tumors
Development of multi-modal imaging technologies including EPR, MRI, CT and US
Translation to clinic—clinical trials

Rotations and Thesis Projects

1. Development of low-frequency/pulse EPR methods for advanced clinical oximetry and imaging.
2. Improved resonators/coils to make deep-tissue EPR oximetry in cancer patients.
3. Identification and mapping of the OxyChip implants in patient tumors using clinical CT/US.
4. Building a prototype clinical scanner for tumor oximetry, in partnership with ViewRay.
5. Perform clinical trials/measurements of tumor oxygen levels in cancer patients receiving radiotherapy.
6. Co-imaging of EPR oximetry with MRI for clinical use.
7. Development of fringe-field EPR oximetry at 300 MHz to use with ViewRay system.
8. Development of a dedicated foot oximetry/scanner for vascular and wound-healing applications.

Grant Information

> Active
R01 EB036124-01 (2024–2027) "Novel oxygen monitoring system for on-site use in the clinic" (PI)
R01 CA269234 (2023-2027) - "EPR scanner for tumor oximetry in the clinic" (PI)
R01 EB004031 (2004–2025) - "Probes and Methods for Clinical Oximetry" (PI)
R01 CA269234-S1 (2023-2025) - "Multimodal Marker for imaging oximetry in radiotherapy" (PI)
'Big-bet' Award - Dartmouth Cancer Center (2023–2025) -"'Hypoxia Resolution’ for Safe and Effective Radiotherapy" (PI)

> Completed
P01 CA190193 (2015–2022) - "Direct and Repeated Clinical Measurement of pO2 for Enhancing Cancer Therapy" (PI/PD)
P01 CA190193 (2015–2022) - Project 2: "Direct & repeated pO2 measurements for cancer using EPR oximetry with OxyChip" (PI)
P01 CA190193 (2015-2022) - Core 1: Administrative Core - "Direct and Repeated Clinical Measurement of pO2 for Enhancing Cancer Therapy" (PI)
R21 NIBIB (2016-2020) - "Miniature EPR system for on-site oximetry" (PI)
R01 NCI (2014-2019) - "Dissecting the role of STAT3 and targeting in ovarian cancer" (Co-I)
R21 AG052722 (2017-2019) "Caveolae as capacitors for oxygen" (Co-I)
R01 HL135024 (2017-2018, Co-I) - “The critical role of the coronary microcirculation in heart failure”
R01 HL115114 (2013-2017, Co-I) - "Mechanisms of Coronary Vasomotor Control"
R21 EB016189 (2012-2016, PI) - “Hand-held scanner for EPR oximetry”
R21 NS022247 (2015-2016, PI) - “Real-time monitoring of cerebral tissue oxygen in ischemic stroke”
US-Israel BSF (2010-2014, PI) - “Oxygen sensing in live systems at micro-scale ESR”
U19 U19AI091173 - Pilot (2013-2016, PI) “Intensity Standard for L-band EPR Tooth Dosimetry”
R01 EB004031 (2004-2013, PI) - “Development of spin probes for cell-tagging and oximetry”
R01 EB007373 (2008-2013, PI) - “Novel trityl probes for determination of superoxide”
US-Israel BSF (2006-2010, PI) - “Biophysical and medical applications of ESR microscopy”
R21 HL0955066 (2009 – 2011, PI) - “PTENuating Restenosis: an innovative PTEN promoter for cardioprotection”
R21 EB008836 (2009-2911, Co-I) - “Sparse multispectral processing for accelerated EPR oximetry in three dimensions”
R01 EB006153 (2007-2011, PI) - “Oxygenation in stem cell therapy for myocardial infarction”
R01 CA102264 (2004-2009, PI) - “In vivo EPR imaging of redox status and thiols in tumor”
R01 EB005004 (2005-2009, PI) - “Novel methods for in vivo imaging of tissue oxygenation”
BRTT Node 1.3 (2003-2005, PI) - “Noninvasive measurement of myocardial oxygenation during cell therapy”
R01 HL038324 (2004-2009, Co-I) - “Measurement of free radical generation in the heart”
R01 EB004658 (2004-2009, Co-I) - “Development of proton-electron double resonance imaging”
BRTT, State of OH (2004-2007, PI) - “Development of a noninvasive method for imaging thiols in ovarian tumor s”
R01 GM58582 (1999-2005, Co-I) - “In vivo EPR imaging of free radicals at 300 MHz”
R01 CA78886 (1998-2006, PI) - “EPR imaging of tumor heterogeneity and oxygenation”
R01 RR12190 (1998-2004, Co-I) - “Center for biomedical EPR spectroscopy and imaging”
R01 HL63744 (2000-2005, Co-I) - “Oxygen radicals and nitric oxide in post-ischemic injury”
P01 HL656608 (2000-2005, Co-I) - “Oxidants and nitric oxide in post-ischemic heart injury”
R01 EB000890 (2002-2006, Co-I) - “MRI/EPRI – Co-imaging of biological samples”
R01 HL057027 (2002-2005, Co-I) - “Reperfusion-induced endothelial cell dysfunction”
P20 EB000591 (2002-2007, Co-I) - “Development and processing of high-resolution cardiac MRI”
Established Investigator Award AHA 96003210 (1996-2001, PI) - -“Measurement of oxygen concentration in the heart”
Grant-in-Aid Award - AHA 96003210 (1995-1998, PI) - “Measurement of oxygen in the heart using EPR imaging”

Courses Taught

No formal courses offered.

Mentoring Information

> Faculty | Publications
Philip E Schaner, MD PhD, Assoc. Professor, Radiation Oncology | 16
Marthony L Robins, PhD, Assist. Professor, Radiology |

>Graduate Students | Publications
Conner S Ubert, MS (Medical Physics, Thayer Engineering)

> Faculties | Publications
Govindasamy Ilangovan PhD | 24
Associate (tenured) Professor, Internal Medicine, OSU
K. Selvendiran PhD | 31
Professor (tenured), OBGYN, OSU
Mahmood Khan PhD | 51
Professor, Emergency Medicine, OSU
Hiranmoy Das PhD | 2
Professor, Cell Biology & Biochemistry, Texas Tech U.
Rizwan Ahmad PhD | 23
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, OSU

> K Awardees | Publications
Valery Khramtsov (K01) | 2
Elaine Fisher (K01) | 2
Hiranmoy Das (K01) | 2
Mahmood Khan (SDG/AHA) | 51
Rajan Gogna (K99) | 14

>Post-Doctoral Fellows | Publications
Ravi A Shankar, MD | 5
Haiquan Li, MD | 9
Govindasamy Ilangovan, PhD | 24
Ramasamy P Pandian, PhD | 28
Sathesh P Evalappan, MBBS | 1
Anna Bratasz, PhD | 29
Ashish Sharma, MBBS | 1
Vijay Kumar Kutala, PhD | 41
Simi M Chacko, PhD, MPH | 9
Mahmood Khan, PhD | 51
Joe Z Sostaric, PhD | 4
Rizwan Ahmad, PhD | 24
Karuppaiyah Selvendiran, PhD | 31
Iyappu K Mohan, PhD | 11
Sheik Wisel, PhD | 7
Yazhini Ravi, MBBS | 4
Balazs Bognar, PhD | 5
Guruguhan Meenakshisundaram, PhD | 7
Masaki Nagane, DVM PhD | 7
Esha Madan, PhD | 13
Rajan Gogna, PhD | 14

> Graduate (MS/PhD) students | Publications
Haihong Li, MS | 3
Rizwan Ahmad, PhD | 24
Deepti S Vikram, PhD | 16
Aditi C Kulkarni, PhD | 6
Simi M Chacko, PhD | 9
Jonathan Pillai, PhD | 0
Guruguhan Meenakshisundaram, PhD | 7
Lucas A Citro PhD | 5
Jesse Mast (PhD/PEMM/Dartmouth) | 6

> Undergraduate students | Publications
Nathan M Weir, MD PhD | 5
Rajarsi Mandal, MD | 5
Jayachandran Swaminathan, PhD | 2
Alexander Dayton, MD PhD | 13
Mia F Tazi, PhD | 3
Praneeth T Reddy, MD | 1
Vandana Potaraju, MD| 1
Shilpa Viswanath, MS | 1
Vinh Dang, MS | 5
Abhisai Dominic, MS | 1
Anjali M Prabhat (BS 2020/Dartmouth) | 4
Thomas M Drews (BS/UMass) | 2

> Collaborators | Publications
Active (with funding)
Jay C Buckey Jr , MD (Geisel, Dartmouth) | 2
Philip E Schaner, MD PhD (Dartmouth-Hitchcock) | 7
Eunice Y Chen, MD PhD (Dartmouth-Hitchcock) | 10
Lesley A Jarvis, MD PhD (Dartmouth-Hitchcock) | 8
Peter A Kaufman, MD (Dartmouth-Hitchcock) | 1
Eugene Demidenko, PhD (Geisel, Dartmouth) | 2
Aharon Blank, PhD (Technion U., Israel) | 13
Rizwan Ahmad , PhD (OSU) | 23
Karuppaiyah Selvendiran, PhD (OSU) | 31
Mahmood Khan, PhD (OSU) | 51
William M Chilian (NEOMED) | 1
Hemal Patel, PhD (UCSD) | 0
Tamas Kalai , PhD (University of Pecs) | 17
Kalman Hideg, PhD (University of Pecs) | 27

*Not listed*

> Mentors | Publications
Periakaruppan T Manoharan, PhD | 17
Joseph M Rifkind, PhD | 1
Jay L Zweier, MD | 163


Dr. Kuppusamy’s research expertise includes detection and imaging of oxygen free radicals; myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury; stem-cell therapy for cardiac repair; ROS pathophysiology in vascular remodeling; tumor physiology, oxygenation, and drug-resistance; small-molecule therapeutics for heart disease and cancer; technology development for noninvasive measurement of tissue oxygen levels (oximetry).
He has published over 400 peer-reviewed scientific papers, reviews, and book chapters. As of 10/2021, he has 26,080 citations of his research publications including 7,451 in the last 5 years. The h-index of his publications is 78.
Dr. Kuppusamy has received continuous funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the American Heart Association from 1995.
He was an Established Investigator Awardee of the American Heart Association (1996-2001).
Dr. Kuppusamy was the inaugural endowed chair holder of "William D. and Jacquelyn L. Wells Chair in Imaging Research" from 2005-2013 at the Davis Heart & Lung Research Institute, Wexner Medical Center, The Ohio State University.
Dr. Kuppusamy has received the following recognition/awards:
2006 - Silver Medal for Biology and Medicine from the International EPR Society
2008 - Award of “Doctor Honoris Causa” (MD) for cardiovascular medicine by University of Pécs, Hungary
2014 - Recipient of the Piette Award for the development of in vivo EPR spectroscopy/imaging
2015 - Distinguished Alumni Award from his alma mater Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras (Chennai)
Dr. Kuppusamy’s laboratory has developed oxygen-sensing magnetic chips for tissue oximetry. The patented technology is capable of noninvasive and repeated measurement of oxygen concentration (pO2). Development of a clinical version of this technology including an NCI-funded clinical study is in progress.

Selected Publications


Non-invasive electron paramagnetic resonance imaging detects tumor redox imbalance induced by ferroptosis.
Kato K, Yasui H, Sato-Akaba H, Emoto MC, Fujii HG, Kmiec MM, Kuppusamy P, Nagane M, Yamashita T, Inanami O
Redox Rep. 2025 Dec;30(1):2454887. doi: 10.1080/13510002.2025.2454887. Epub 2025 Jan 21.
PMID: 39836064

Composite spin probes with adjustable oxygen sensitivity for pulse electron paramagnetic resonance imaging.
Canavesi I, Viswakarma N, Khurana R, Epel B, Kuppusamy P, Pagel MD, Kotecha M
Magn Reson Med. 2025 Jan 20; doi: 10.1002/mrm.30418. Epub 2025 Jan 20.
PMID: 39831522

Hypoxia-induced increase in sphingomyelin synthase 2 aggravates ischemic skeletal muscle inflammation.
Mizugaki H, Nagane M, Sato-Akaba H, Kmiec M, Kuppusamy P, Yasui H, Inanami O, Murakami H, Aihara N, Kamiie J, Mizunoya W, Yasuda I, Fukuyama T, Naya Y, Yamashita T
FEBS J. 2024 Dec 30; doi: 10.1111/febs.17379. Epub 2024 Dec 30.
PMID: 39739672

Surface dielectric resonator for in vivo EPR measurements.
Petryakov SV, Kmiec MM, Ubert CS, Kassey VB, Schaner PE, Kuppusamy P
J Magn Reson. 2024 May;362:107690. doi: 10.1016/j.jmr.2024.107690. Epub 2024 Apr 25.
PMID: 38692250

Feasibility study of multimodal imaging for redox status and glucose metabolism in tumor.
Kato K, Yasui H, Sato-Akaba H, Emoto MC, Fujii HG, Kmiec MM, Kuppusamy P, Mizuno Y, Kuge Y, Nagane M, Yamashita T, Inanami O
Free Radic Biol Med. 2024 Jun;218:57-67. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2024.03.028. Epub 2024 Apr 3.
PMID: 38574976

Hand-held electron spin resonance scanner for subcutaneous oximetry using OxyChip.
Almog N, Zgadzai O, Kuppusamy P, Zur Y, Baruch L, Machluf M, Blank A
Magn Reson Med. 2024 Jul;92(1):430-439. doi: 10.1002/mrm.30066. Epub 2024 Feb 27.
PMID: 38411265

Classic Phytochemical Antioxidant and Lipoxygenase Inhibitor, Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid, Activates Phospholipase D through Oxidant Signaling and Tyrosine Phosphorylation Leading to Cytotoxicity in Lung Vascular Endothelial Cells.
Parinandi NL, Liaugminas A, Oliver PJ, Varadharaj S, Yenigalla A, Elliott AC, Arutla S, Campbell SJ, Kotha SR, Sherwani SI, Kutala VK, McDaniel JC, Maddipati KR, Kuppusamy P, Hund TJ
Cell Biochem Biophys. 2023 Jun;81(2):205-229. doi: 10.1007/s12013-023-01128-1. Epub 2023 Feb 23.
PMID: 36820994

Aberrant expression of TMEM205 signaling promotes platinum resistance in ovarian cancer: An implication for the antitumor potential of DAP compound.
Calo CA, Smith BQ, Dorayappan KDP, Saini U, Lightfoot M, Wagner V, Kalaiyarasan D, Cosgrove C, Wang QE, Maxwell GL, Kalai T, Kuppusamy P, Cohn DE, Selvendiran K
Gynecol Oncol. 2022 Jan;164(1):136-145. doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2021.10.076. Epub 2021 Oct 30.
PMID: 34756749

Evaluation of a Refined Implantable Resonator for Deep-Tissue EPR Oximetry in the Clinic.
Chen EY, Tse D, Hou H, Schreiber WA, Schaner PE, Kmiec MM, Hebert KA, Kuppusamy P, Swartz HM, Williams BB
Appl Magn Reson. 2021 Oct;52(10):1321-1342. doi: 10.1007/s00723-021-01376-5. Epub 2021 Jul 9.
PMID: 34744319

OxyChip embedded with radio-opaque gold nanoparticles for anatomic registration and oximetry in tissues.
Kmiec MM, Hebert KA, Tse D, Hodge S, Williams BB, Schaner PE, Kuppusamy P
Magn Reson Med. 2022 Mar;87(3):1621-1637. doi: 10.1002/mrm.29039. Epub 2021 Oct 31.
PMID: 34719047

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