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Diane Gilbert-Diamond, ScD

Professor of Epidemiology
Professor of Medicine
Professor of Pediatrics

Additional Titles/Positions/Affiliations
Biographical Sketch


Dartmouth College, AB
Harvard School of Public Health, ScD

Dartmouth Cancer Center
Program in Experimental and Molecular Medicine

Contact Information

Hinman 7927
Rubin Building
One Medical Center Drive
Lebanon NH 03756

Office: 853
Phone: 603-653-3362
Fax: 603-653-9093
Email: Diane.Gilbert-Diamond@Dartmouth.edu

Professional Interests

My research lab focuses on gene-environment interactions related to child health. I am currently conducting an NIH-funded study that explores the relationships between specific obesity related genotypes, brain responses (measured via fMRI) and eating behaviors.

My research lab additionally focuses on in utero exposures related to child health. With the New Hampshire Birth Cohort Study, I am studying how common exposures to arsenic and Vitamin D impact child growth and health in early life.

Rotations and Thesis Projects

In utero arsenic exposure in relation to infant growth and adiposity during early life
In utero Vitamin D exposure in relation to the development of allergies and incidence of infections during early life
Genetic influences on the neurological response to food advertisements

Grant Information

In utero arsenic exposure and early childhood growth (NIH/NIEHS and EPA)
In utero vitamin D exposure and early childhood immune function (NIH)
Children’s genetic predisposition to eat without hunger after food advertisements (NIH/NICHD)

Courses Taught

QBS 130: Foundations of Epidemiology (Course Director)


Professor Gilbert-Diamond received her AB from Dartmouth College with a focus in Biology in 1998 and her ScD from Harvard School of Public Health with a focus in Nutritional Epidemiology in 2010. She then completed a postdoctoral research fellowship at the Geisel School of Medicine in Bioinformatics and was appointed to the faculty at the Geisel School of Medicine in 2012.

Selected Publications


  • Muse ME, Li Z, Baker ER, Cottingham KL, Korrick SA, Karagas MR, Gilbert-Diamond D. Relation between in utero arsenic exposure and growth during the first year of life in a New Hampshire pregnancy cohort. Environmental Research. In Press (2019).

  • Emond JA, Karagas MR, Baker E, Gilbert-Diamond D. Better diet quality during pregnancy is associated with a reduced likelihood of an infant born small for gestational age: an analysis of the prospective New Hampshire Birth Cohort Study. J Nutr. 2018 Jan 1;148(1):22-30. (view details in PubMed)

  • Rapuano KM, Zieselman AL, Sargent JD, Heatherton TF, Kelley W, Gilbert-Diamond D. Genetic risk for obesity predicts nucleus accumbens size and responsivity to real-world food cues. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Jan 3;114(1):160-165. (view details in PubMed)

  • Gilbert-Diamond D, Emond JA, Lansigan RK, Kelley W, Heatherton TF, Sargent JD. ) Television food advertisement exposure and FTO rs9939609 genotype in relation to excess consumption in children. Int J Obes (Lond). 2017 Jan;41(1):23-29. (view details in PubMed)

  • Emond JA, Lansigan RK, Ramanujam A, Gilbert-Diamond D. ) Randomized exposure to food advertising and eating in the absence of hunger among preschoolers. Pediatrics. 2016 Dec;138(6). (view details in PubMed)

  • Gilbert-Diamond D*, Emond JA*, Korrick S, Baker ER, Karagas, MR. Relation between in utero arsenic exposure and birth outcomes in a cohort of mothers and their newborns from New Hampshire. Environ Health Perspect. 2016 Aug;124(8):1299-307. (view details in PubMed)

  • De R, Verma SS, Drenos F, Holmes M, Asselbergs F, Moore JH, Keating B, Ritchie M. Gilbert-Diamond D. Identifying gene-gene interactions that are highly associated with Body Mass Index using Quantitative Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction (QMDR). BioData Min. 2015 Dec 14;8:41. (view details in PubMed)

  • Gilbert-Diamond D, Li Z, Adachi-Mejia AM, McClure AC, Sargent JD. Associaiton of a television in the bedroom with increased adiposity gain in a nationally representative sample of adolescents. JAMA Pediatr. 2014 May;168(5):427-34. (view details in PubMed)

  • Gilbert-Diamond D, Li Z, Perry A, Spencer S, Gandolfi AJ, Karagas MR. A population-based case-control study of urinary arsenic species and risk of squamous cell carcinoma in New Hampshire, USA. Environ Health Perspect. 2013 Oct;121(10):1154-60. (view details in PubMed)

  • Gilbert-Diamond D, Baylin A, Mora-Plazas M, Marin C, Arsenault JE, Hughes MD, Willett WC, Villamor E. Vitamin D deficiency and anthropometric indicators of adiposity in school- age children: a prospective study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Dec;92(6):1446-51. (view details in PubMed)