Mary F. Brunette, MD
Professor of Psychiatry
Professor of Community and Family Medicine
Professor of The Dartmouth Institute
Additional Titles/Positions/Affiliations
Medical Director, Bureau of Mental Health Services, NH Dept of Health and Human Services
Co-Director, Northern New England Post-Doctoral Primary Care Research Training Program
Co-DIrector, Community Engaged Research Core, Dartmouth SYNERGY, CTSA
Chairman, NH DHHS Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects
Co-Investigator, Ctr for Technology & Behavioral Health
Community and Family Medicine
The Dartmouth Institute
Lewis & Clark College, BA 1985
Oregon Health Sciences University, MD 1991
C. Everett Koop Institute at Dartmouth
Dartmouth Cancer Center
Psychopharmacology Research Group
Contact Information
Department of Psychiatry, Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Center for Technology and Behavioral Health
46 Centerra Parkway, level 2
Lebanon NH 0
Phone: 603-646-7019
Assistant: Brian Goodness
Asst. Email:
Professional Interests
The goal of my research is to better understand the causes of addiction in vulnerable, complex populations, and to develop effective and disseminable treatment interventions for addiction in these groups by using a translational science approach that includes basic science, patient-oriented treatment and population-based studies.
In addition, I am engaged with public mental health administration in which I advance improvements in care for people with serious mental illness and multiple comorbidities.
Grant Information
ProHealth NH: New Hampshire Partnerships to Improve Health & Wellness for Young People with SED and SMI
1H79SM080245-01 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration
Cannabis, schizophrenia and reward: Self-Medication and agonist
1R01DA034699-01 National Institute on Drug Abuse
Comparative effectiveness of integrated vs. referral-based care for pregnant women with opioid use disorder (Lord and Goodman, Multiple PIs)
MAT-2017C2-7717 PCORI
Stemming the Tide: The Role of Payment and Delivery System Reform in
Combating the Opioid Epidemic (Colla PI)
4R01-DA049757-01A1 National Institute on Drug Abuse
Mentoring Information
I currently lead several large studies, including a trial using functional magnetic resonance imaging to assess the impact of cannabis on brain reward function in schizophrenia, and the implementation of integrated primary care and community mental health.
I am trained as an “Entering Mentoring” Facilitator, with a goal of increasing quality, equity and inclusion in science mentoring. I mentor research trainees on a variety of projects across the translational range - from a secondary analyses describing substance use in young adults with multiple morbidities, to a literature review of impact of cannabis on psychosis, to usability testing of apps for the treatment of addiction, and a qualitative study of a learning community to support statewide implementation of clinical services.
Medicare Accountable Care Organization Treatment of Serious Mental Illness: Associations Between Behavioral Health Integration Activities and Outcomes. Mortality in People With Psychosis and Criminal Sanctions-Is It Time for New Approaches? Integrated primary and community mental health care for young adults with serious mental illness: A program evaluation. Randomized Laboratory Study of Single-Dose Cannabis, Dronabinol, and Placebo in Patients With Schizophrenia and Cannabis Use Disorder. Level and timing of product substitution in a trial of e-cigarettes for smokers not interested in quitting. The Need to Adapt the Psychiatric Clinical Assessment to the Digital Age: A Practical Approach. Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug Use Among Young Adults with Serious Mental Illness. Addressing the Increasing Mental Health Distress and Mental Illness Among Young Adults in the United States. Provision of Digital Health Technologies for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment by US Health Care Organizations. Association between tobacco product use and asthma among US adults from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study waves 2-4. |