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Karen Huyck, MD, MPH, PhD

Associate Professor of Medicine
Associate Professor of The Dartmouth Institute

Additional Titles/Positions/Affiliations
Clinical Oncology Affiliate
Cancer Epidemiology Research Program
Norris Cotton Cancer Center

The Dartmouth Institute

B.A. University of Chicago
Ph.D. University of Vermont, Graduate College
M.D. University of Vermont, College of Medicine
M.P.H. Harvard School of Public Health


Contact Information

Section of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Department of Medicine
One Medical Center Drive
Lebanon NH 03756

Phone: 802-495-6316
Fax: 603-676-4209
Email: Karen.L.Huyck@Dartmouth.edu


Dr. Karen Huyck, MD, PhD, MPH, FACOEM is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Dartmouth in the Section of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM), board-certified OEM physician, and co-founder and Medical Director of Vermont RETAIN. This $21.6M project funded by the U.S. Department of Labor and managed by the Vermont Department of Labor aims to decrease work disability across the state and inform national work disability programs and policies.

She received her PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology and completed her MPH in Environmental Health and post-doctoral fellowship in Environmental Molecular Epidemiology. Her clinical and research work currently focuses on management and treatment of complex work injuries, functional assessment and recovery, prevention of work disability, and equitable access to occupational medicine best practices and evidence-based work-health services to support the physical and mental health of workers in their communities. She is a co-founder of the New England Work Injury Collaborative and former member of the Translation of Rehabilitation Engineering Advances and Technology (TREAT) consortium through the The National Institutes of Health Medical Rehabilitation Research Infrastructure Network (MRRIN).

Prior to her position at Dartmouth, she worked in diverse OEM settings, including as an on-site physician for biotechnology companies, staff OEM physician, researcher, work disability consultant, utilization reviewer, impartial medical examiner, and expert witness. Her goal is to promote work as a key health outcome and support clinicians in all disciplines to not write prescriptions for unemployment!