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Judy E. Stern, PhD

Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Obstetrics and Gynecology

State University of New York, BA 1972
U. Tennessee, PHD 1979


Contact Information

Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology
One Medical Center Drive
Lebanon NH 03756

Phone: 603-252-0696
Email: judy.e.stern@dartmouth.edu

Professional Interests

Outcomes of assisted reproductive technology
Ethical issues in assisted reproduction
Ethical issues in scientific research
Reproductive immunology

Courses Taught

Medical school general teaching, Dartmouth Medical School. Lectures in: general endocrinology, reproductive endocrinology, conception, and implantation, infertility. Course director for SBM Reproduction 2000-2005

Medical school/ law school, Dartmouth Medical School/ Vermont Law School."Medical Legal Issues and Our Changing Concepts of Reproduction and the Family". Co taught with a law school faculty member Susan Apel, Esq. Fall 1997, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006.

Multidisciplinary Course."Assisted Reproduction: The Scientific, Ethical and Social Challenge of a New Biomedical Technology." 1994, 1996, 2003, 2006.

Selected Publications


  • Stern, JE. Gopal, D, Diop, H, Missmer, SA, Coddington, CC, Luke, B. Inpatient hospitalizations in women with and without assisted reproductive technology live birth. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2017

  • Luke B, Gopal D, Cabral H, Stern JE, Diop, H. Pregnancy, Birth, and Infant Outcomes by Maternal Fertility Status: The Massachusetts Outcomes Study of Assisted Reproductive Technology. American Journal Obstetrics and Gynecology

  • Diop, H, Gopal, D, Cabral, H, Belanoff, C, Declercq, EL, Kotelchuck, M, Luke, B, Stern, JE. Assisted reproductive technology and Early Intervention enrollment. Pediatrics 137(3): e20152007. 2016

  • Stern JE, Luke B, Tobias M, Gopal D, Hornstein MD, Diop H. Adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes associated with underlying diagnosis with and without assisted reproductive technology treatment. Fertil & Steril 103 (6): 1438-1445. 2015.

  • Stern, JE, Goldman, MB, Hatasaka, H, MacKenzie, TA, Racowsky, C, Surrey, ES. Optimizing the number of blastocyst stage embryos to transfer in women 38 and older: A SART database study. Fertil & Steril. 91(1):157–66. 2009

  • Stern, JE, Brown MB, Luke, B, Wantman, E, Lederman, A, Missmer, SA, Hormstein, MD Calculating Cumulative Live-Birth Rates from Linked Cycles of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART): Data from the Massachusetts SART CORS. Ferti & Steril. 94(4):1334–40, 2010.

  • Judy E Stern, Leslie V Farland, Sunah S Hwang, Dmitry Dukhovny, Charles C Coddington, Howard J Cabral, Stacey A Missmer, Eugene Declercq, Hafsatou Diop Assisted Reproductive Technology or Infertility: What underlies adverse outcomes? Lessons from the Massachusetts Outcome Study of Assisted Reproductive Technology. Fertil & Steril Reviews