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Jennifer J. Loros, PhD

Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Professor of Molecular and Systems Biology

Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Molecular and Systems Biology

U. California - Santa Cruz, Ph.D. 1984

Molecular and Cellular Biology Graduate Programs

Contact Information

Dartmouth Medical School
HB 7200
Hanover NH 03755

Office: 704 Remsen
Phone: 603-650-1154
Fax: 603-650-1188
Email: jennifer.loros@Dartmouth.edu

Professional Interests

Circadian clocks govern diverse and important aspects of the biology of nearly all cells and organisms. Via the molecular cloning of genes that when mutated alter fundamental clock properties, and in elucidating their organization and products, this lab is identifying components of a circadian oscillator. Analysis of the regulation of these genes by environmental factors has lead to an understanding of how all biological clocks are reset by light and temperature and thus kept in synchrony with the real world. Additionally, the lab is studying the means by which the clock controls gene expression through isolation of rhythmically expressed genes.

Selected Publications


  • http://www.dartmouth.edu/~jdunlap/publications.html.