Outdoor Mindest

Outdoor Mindset (OM) is a nonprofit organization that unites and inspires those affected by a neurological challenge through a common passion for the outdoors. Our community, available through free membership, is open to diagnosed individuals AND supporters (spouses, parents, children, and other family members and friends). Members connect with others in the community (new website and online platform coming soon), participate in programs, gain access to special events, participate in exclusive giveaways, access member discounts and perks and more. Volunteer opportunities include: 1) leading outdoor Meet-ups such as kayaking, hiking, x-c skiing 2) becoming a Guide for a Traveler seeking support from someone uniquely familiar with their experience 3) helping to get the word out about OM. Please contact Jeanie.K.Ringelberg@dartmouth.edu or Jake@outdoormindset.org to get involved!