Post Tagged with: "genetics"

Building Baby From the Genes Up

Genius – In this opinion piece, Ronald Green, professor of religion and ethics at Dartmouth and adjunct professor of community and family medicine at Geisel, discusses the future of genetic engineering and reproductive medicine. Green notes that during a discussion with Geisel medical students, he asked the students whether they thought that we should move in the direction of human genetic engineering, and more than 80 percent said no. “This squares with public opinion polls that show a similar degree of opposition,” says Green. “Nevertheless, ‘babies by design’ are probably in our future — but I think that the critics’ concerns may be less troublesome than they first appear.”

Your Next Prescription Could Be a Genome Sequence

Huffington Post via Techonomy – Quotes Gregory Tsongalis, professor of pathology, on the use of genome sequencing to improve patient care. Looking ahead, Tsongalis sees every indication that genome sequencing will become a mainstay in hospitals, and he thinks advances in the field will keep pouring in.

Google-style Ranking Used to Describe Gene Connectivity

Google-style Ranking Used to Describe Gene Connectivity

Using the technique known as “Gene Rank”, Dartmouth investigator Eugene Demidenko, PhD, captured and described a new characterization of gene connectivity in “Microarray Enriched Gene Rank,” published in BioData Mining. The effective computer algorithm can be used to compare tissues across or within organisms at great speed with a simple laptop computer.