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Gustav E. Lienhard, PhD

Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology

Biochemistry and Cell Biology

Amherst College, BA 1959Yale University, PHD 1964

Molecular and Cellular Biology Graduate Programs

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Contact Information

Dartmouth Medical School
HB 7200
Hanover NH 03755

Professional Interests

Cellular signaling pathways; hormonal regulation of membrane trafficking. Current research is focused on two areas: the pathways of signaling from the insulin receptor, which is a tyrosine kinase, and the stimulation of glucose transport by insulin, an effect which involves the fusion of intracellular vesicles containing glucose transporters with the plasma membrane.

Selected Publications


  • Keller, S.R. and Lienhard, G.E. Insulin Signalling: The Role of Insulin Receptor Substrate 1. Trends in Cell Biol. 4, 115-119 (1994).

  • Lienhard, G.E., Slot, J.W., James, D.E., and Mueckler, M. How Cells Absorb Glucose. Scientific American, 266, 86-91 (1992).

  • Keller, S.R., Scott, H.M., Mastick, C.C., Aebersold,R., and Lienhard, G.E. Cloning and Characterization of a Novel Insulin-regulated Membrane Aminopeptidase from Glut4 Vesicles. J. Biol. Chem. 270, 23612-23618.