On Doctoring Preceptor Responsibilities

On the first day the student visits:

For each visit day

Overall for the year

Goals of On Doctoring - Year One

Patient Interviewing:

  1. Understand the functions and structure of the medical interview.
  2. Learn to be an active listener.
  3. Begin to elicit the complete and accurate information necessary to diagnose and manage patients' biomedical and psychosocial problems.
  4. Begin to use patient-centered counseling skills to facilitate behavior change.

Physical Diagnosis:

  1. Learn to perform the elements of the normal physical exam introduced in the course.
  2. Attend to issues of patient privacy and comfort in performing the physical exam.
  3. Perform a focused physical exam determined by the patient history.

Patient Write-ups:

  1. Organize clinical data in a clear, concise manner.
  2. Describe normal and abnormal physical findings in case write-ups.

Personal/Professional Issues - begin to:

  1. Display professional behavior in the practice of medicine including intellectual honesty, respect for patient, families, colleagues and faculty.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge and application of group dynamics and role as a member of a team.
  3. Ensure time for reflection on personal reactions to clinical work.
  4. Establish identity as a physician and effective doctor-patient relationships.
  5. Understand your own personal values and attitudes and the influence of these on your relationships with patients.
  6. Develop effective relationships, communication and problem-solving with other health care professionals.
  7. Demonstrate knowledge of challenges in balancing personal and professional life.

Goals of On Doctoring - Year Two

Demonstrate the ability to ...

Patient Interviewing

  1. Be an active listener.
  2. Elicit the complete and accurate information necessary to diagnose and manage patients' biomedical and psychosocial problems.
  3. Reflect and summarize in the medical interview.
  4. Take an accurate history of a chronic medical problem and an acute medical problem.
  5. Use patient-centered counseling skills to facilitate behavior change.

Physical Diagnosis

  1. Perform a complete physical exam (excluding GU and GYN exams) accurately and efficiently on a classmate.
  2. Perform a focused physical exam determined by the patient history.
  3. Perform a GU, Breast and GYN exam on a standardized patient.
  4. Attend to issues of patient privacy and comfort in performing the physical exam.

Presentation Skills (oral and written)

  1. Organize clinical data in a clear, concise manner using the clinical write up and SOAPP format.
  2. Write up a complete HPI for two hospitalized patients.
  3. Deliver organized and concise oral presentations.
  4. Display clinical reasoning through generation of an assessment (including differential diagnosis) and plan in your write-ups and oral presentations.

Personal and Professional Issues

  1. Use professional and ethical behavior in the practice of medicine including honesty, respect for patients, families, colleagues, and faculty.
  2. Begin to develop effective relationships, communication, and problem-solving with other health care professionals.
  3. Understand your own personal values and attitudes and the influence of these on your relationships with patients.
  4. Ensure time for reflection on personal reactions to clinical work.